Project Redcap:Sub-Projects

From Project: Redcap

Project: Redcap has two goals: to link to all Ars Magica content on the web, and to serve as a guide and companion to the rules and game world of the game. To further these aims, we have identified several sub-projects we at Project: Redcap are working on.

Getting Started

If you would like to contribute, you are more than welcome to jump in and start editing pages to help with any or all of these, or to start a sub-project of your own.

If you have not already done so, please see our Help:Getting started page before you get started.


Foreign Languages

Multi-language support was finally enabled on 9 February 2014. :-)

At that time, most of our foreign-language pages were in a sorry state. Their content was never very good, and they got horribly mangled by the automated import from the old Wiki to the new one.

Volunteers are needed. If you are fluent in a language other than English, please go to the Main Page, follow the link for your language, and edit that page until it is not a train wreck any more. :-)

Please see the pages Project Redcap:Language policy and Help:Languages for more information and instructions on creating non-English pages.

General Maintenance

A list of suggested cleanup and maintenance activities:

  • Go over the links from the Sidebar and Main page, expanding on the articles and linked-articles, and correcting broken/missing links, to improve the experience of first-time visitors to the site (who will likely browse it instead of search for stuff).
  • Go over the Special:ShortPages list to identify remaining stubs for deletion.
  • Go over the Special:LonelyPages list to identify stubs; if the content is more extensive, consider also introducing links to them from other entries.
  • Go over the (few) Special:DeadendPages to add links to other entries.
  • Go Special:UncategorizedPages to categorize them.
  • Go over the Special:WantedPages to add redirects to existing entries; many of these are simply links to existing pages.
  • Go over Special:AllPages to correct formatting errors, categories, and so on. As noted above, this is especially relevant for pages created by User:Redcap Automation and not modified since.

Expand and Update Internet Site Index

Maintain the Internet Site Index, by removing dead links and adding new ones.

Product Pages

Our list of products by edition is now mostly complete, but many of the articles are short and could use more content. The best product pages go beyond what the sales literature says about the product and tells readers what the product is like, what useful or interesting information it contains, or even what shortcomings it has. Some examples of good product pages are Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, The Sundered Eagle, and of course Ars Magica Fifth Edition (though that last one is probably more detailed than the page for a supplement needs to be).

New Pages

See our list of wanted pages and go ahead and start creating some!

Ars Magica Open Source Reference Sub-site

Create a reference site similar to Pathfinder TTRPG's Archives of Nethys that organizes and consolidates the open source Ars Magica material into a searchable sub-site for reference.

Introductory Material

Create and maintain a suite of Introductory Material to help new players and storyguides, including pages such as Learning to Play, Character generation, advice on storyguiding, an overview of Hermetic Society, and so on. This includes generating summaries and overviews of key issues, like Magus, the tribunals, and so on.


Compile commentary on any topic, to the benefit of players of all levels. This includes the FAQ, providing historical details such as the "previous edition" part of many tribunal descriptions or the History of Ars Magica page, analysis of the implications of the rules and suggestions on house rules, and so on.

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