Pripet Maior

From Project: Redcap

A Bjornaer covenant in the Novgorod Tribunal.


One potential fate is that the Covenant is destroyed in a Wizards war of 1235, and plans progress to refound the covenant. Loose conversion notes of what's left below:

Pripet Maior (c1235)

Symbol: House on stilts above a reed bed Season: Destroyed 1234 Founded: 993 (242 years on)

Members (1?)

  • Lev Deniki (150): Bjornaer, Pleasant, rational, courteous magus, lost to final? Twilights 1234

Site Aura +6 ( 3 minor boons) Vivid environment (minor boon) Haunted (minor hook) Island (free)

Resources Hidden resources (minor boon)

External Relations Prestige (major boon) Infamous (minor hook)

Vis (150bp) Potential 30 pawns income (An3, Aq7, Cr5, He7, Mu5, Te3)

Total 150 pts (low)

Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:pripet_maior