Legacy:White wolf

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-04-13 01:14:58 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

[[http://www.white-wolf.com | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[http://www.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?line=intro | World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica and the World of Darkness

Ars Magic is not related to the World of Darkness. IT'S NOT! NOTNOTNOT!!!

Seriously, though, at one time things were heading toward some kind of connection between the two settings. Back when White Wolf briefly [[History of Ars Magica | owned Ars Magica]], they seemed to be working toward the idea that the World of Darkness grew out of [[Mythic Europe]]. This appears to be the meta-game reason for such Third Edition features as "[[True Reason]]" and the vampires in [[House Tremere]]; note also the inclusion of an Order of Hermes in the World of Darkness game Mage: the Ascension (now [[http://www.white-wolf.com/mage/index.php | Mage: the Awakening]]).

That was a long time ago.  [[Atlas Games]] now owns Ars Magica, and Atlas has nothing to do with the World of Darkness. White Wolf wrote their own medieval-themed World of Darkness "prequel" setting, so there is no need for Mythic Europe to fill that role. The Fourth Edition of Ars Magica eliminated [[True Reason]], and the Fifth Edition removed vampires from [[House Tremere]].

You can still portray Mythic Europe as eventually turning into the World of Darkness if you want to, but there is no longer anything in the official Ars Magica books suggesting that it will (or won't).

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]

Version 2

Date: 2009-05-07 00:56:59 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Anchor for World of Darkness

[[http://www.white-wolf.com | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[http://www.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?line=intro | World of Darkness]].

=[anchor:WorldOfDarkness][anchor:WorldOfDarkness] Ars Magica and the World of Darkness

Ars Magic is not related to the World of Darkness. IT'S NOT! NOTNOTNOT!!!

Seriously, though, at one time things were heading toward some kind of connection between the two settings. Back when White Wolf briefly [[History of Ars Magica | owned Ars Magica]], they seemed to be working toward the idea that the World of Darkness grew out of [[Mythic Europe]]. This appears to be the meta-game reason for such Third Edition features as "[[True Reason]]" and the vampires in [[House Tremere]]; note also the inclusion of an Order of Hermes in the World of Darkness game Mage: the Ascension (now [[http://www.white-wolf.com/mage/index.php | Mage: the Awakening]]).

That was a long time ago.  [[Atlas Games]] now owns Ars Magica, and Atlas has nothing to do with the World of Darkness. White Wolf wrote their own medieval-themed World of Darkness "prequel" setting, so there is no need for Mythic Europe to fill that role. The Fourth Edition of Ars Magica eliminated [[True Reason]], and the Fifth Edition removed vampires from [[House Tremere]].

You can still portray Mythic Europe as eventually turning into the World of Darkness if you want to, but there is no longer anything in the official Ars Magica books suggesting that it will (or won't).

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [

Version 3

Date: 2009-06-22 23:19:07 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed punctuation inside links

[[http://www.white-wolf.com | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[http://www.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?line=intro | World of Darkness]].

={{anchor|WorldOfDarkness}} Ars Magica and the World of Darkness

Ars Magic is not related to the World of Darkness. IT'S NOT! NOTNOTNOT!!!

Seriously, though, at one time things were heading toward some kind of connection between the two settings. Back when White Wolf briefly [[History of Ars Magica | owned Ars Magica]], they seemed to be working toward the idea that the World of Darkness grew out of [[Mythic Europe]]. This appears to be the meta-game reason for such Third Edition features as "[[True Reason]]" and the vampires in [[House Tremere]]; note also the inclusion of an Order of Hermes in the World of Darkness game Mage: the Ascension (now [[http://www.white-wolf.com/mage/index.php | Mage: the Awakening]]).

That was a long time ago.  [[Atlas Games]] now owns Ars Magica, and Atlas has nothing to do with the World of Darkness. White Wolf wrote their own medieval-themed World of Darkness "prequel" setting, so there is no need for Mythic Europe to fill that role. The Fourth Edition of Ars Magica eliminated [[True Reason]], and the Fifth Edition removed vampires from [[House Tremere]].

You can still portray Mythic Europe as eventually turning into the World of Darkness if you want to, but there is no longer anything in the official Ars Magica books suggesting that it will (or won't).

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]

Version 4

Date: 2009-06-23 00:56:31 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Moved World of Darkness to its own page

[[http://www.white-wolf.com | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]

Version 5

Date: 2009-06-23 12:51:44 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added preamble and some additional links

{{preface| This page is about the game company called White Wolf Game Studio.  For the game magazine, see [[White Wolf Magazine]].}}

[[http://www.white-wolf.com | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge book | Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]
* [[World of Darkness]]
* [[White Wolf Magazine]]
* [[Mark Rein�Hagen]]

Version 6

Date: 2009-06-24 00:27:53 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added ArM3 category, fixed external link syntax

{{preface| This page is about the game company called White Wolf Game Studio.  For the game magazine, see [[White Wolf Magazine]].}}

[[http://www.white-wolf.com/ | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge book | Mistridge]]
* Storyguide Screen
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]
* [[World of Darkness]]
* [[White Wolf Magazine]]
* [[Mark Rein�Hagen]]

Version 7

Date: 2009-06-24 01:19:33 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added link to Storyguide Scree

{{preface| This page is about the game company called White Wolf Game Studio.  For the game magazine, see [[White Wolf Magazine]].}}

[[http://www.white-wolf.com/ | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica.  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge book | Mistridge]]
* [[Storyguide Screen]]
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]
* [[World of Darkness]]
* [[White Wolf Magazine]]
* [[Mark Rein�Hagen]]

Version 8

Date: 2009-06-24 13:21:17 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added note on Stewart Wieck's founding role

{{preface| This page is about the game company called White Wolf Game Studio.  For the game magazine, see [[White Wolf Magazine]].}}

[[http://www.white-wolf.com/ | White Wolf Game Studio]] is a game company co-founded by [[Mark Rein�Hagen]], one of the original co-authors of Ars Magica, and magazine publisher [[Stewart Wieck]].  White Wolf published Ars Magica from 1990 to 1993, taking over stewardship of the game after [[Lion Rampant]] closed its doors.

White Wolf Game Studio is still in business and publishes a very popular line of roleplaying games called the [[World of Darkness]].

= Ars Magica Products Published by White Wolf Game Studio

White Wolf had a distinctive tone they worked into all their Ars Magica products, which is rather different from later products published by [[Atlas Games]].  Critics say that White Wolf portrayed [[Mythic Europe]] as a very dark setting with too many demons and too much corruption.  On the other hand, some players like White Wolf products for their generally strong emphasis on story and role-playing.

All of White Wolf's Ars Magica products were written for [[ArM2]] or [[ArM3]].

* [[Medieval Handbook | The Medieval Handbook]]
* [[Twelfth Night]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire | The Wizard's Grimoire]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Rome | Tribunals of Hermes: Rome ]]
* [[Tribunals of Hermes Iberia | Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia ]]
* [[Pax Dei]]
* [[Shamans]]
* The [[Maleficium]]
* [[Midsummer Nights Dream | A Midsummer Night's Dream]]
* [[Mythic Europe book | Mythic Europe]]
* [[Deadly Legacy]]
* [[Mistridge book | Mistridge]]
* [[Storyguide Screen]]
* [[Ars Magica Third Edition]]
* [[Mythic Places]]
* [[More Mythic Places]]
* [[Black Death]]
* [[Pact of Pasaquine]]
* [[Stormrider Jump-Start Kit | Jump-Start Kit: the Stormrider]], second edition
* [[Medieval Bestiary]]
* [[Faeries book | Faeries]], first edition
* [[Winters Tale | A Winter's Tale]]

== See Also

* [[History of Ars Magica]]
* [[World of Darkness]]
* [[White Wolf Magazine]]
* [[Mark Rein�Hagen]]