Legacy:Verditius magic

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-12-30 22:47:36 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

The [[Outer Mystery]] of '''Verditius Magic''' sets the [[Magus|magi]]] of [[House Verditius]] apart from their brethern in the [[Order of Hermes|Order]]. It greatly enahcnes their ability to enchant items, but also limit their ability to cast [[Formulaic Spell|Formulaic spells]] by requiring the use of [[Casting Tool|casting tools]].

Verditius Magic is gained as the Free Virtue of [[House Verditius]] in character generation. As such, it is a [[Minor Virtue|Minor]] [[Hermetic Virtue]], and is shared by all Verditius magi, who are initiated into the House's [[Mystery Cult]] and its [[Outer Mystery]] in the earliest stages of their apprenticeship (see [[HoHMC]] 117-118), While it possible for a magus of another [[Houses of Hermes|House]] to adopt the [[Mystery]] and become a Verditius, this is especially difficult and dangerous (see [[HoHMC]] 119). It is virtually nonexistant outside the House, excepting perhaps some [[Orbus|Orbi Magi]]. 

A Verditius magus will typically specialize in a certain [[Craft Ability]], and fashion all his enchanted devices from raw materials using it. This allows him to take full advantage of this [[Mystery]]: the high [[Craft Ability]] both ibncreases all relevant [[Lab Total|Lab totals]]  and lowers the [[Raw Vis]] cost of [[Opening the Device|opening the item for enchantment]], 

Since the use of [[Verditius Runes]] is free, most Verditius magi have at least some modest score in [[Philosophiae]]. This allows them to increase the [[Shape and Material Bonus]] to ''all'' the effects to be invested in the device. Since this is a generic bonus, not specific like the [[Shape and Material]] bonus, a high Philosophiae score would allow the Verditius magus to forgo any use of Shape and Material sympathies in the item - however, this would require a Philosophiae score as high as the magus' [[Magic Theory]] score, and this is a high expenditure of [[Experience Point|experience points]]. Most Verditius magi therefore only use Verditius Runes to slightly increase the Shape and Material Bonus when possible. Verditius Runes are most potent when used on an item that needs to support multiple types of enchantment (so that not all can be assisted by some appropriate Shape and Material design), or whose shape needs to be unrelated to its function. They are nearly useless for items that are easily fashioned, so that the small boost to the [[Lab Total]] is insignificant; but no Verditius that respects himself will be caught dead fashioning such items anyways.

A Verditius magus may prepare items for enchantment by other magi. This has the twin advantage of lowering the [[Raw Vis]] cost and of allowing the use of [[Verditius Runes]].

The [[Mystery]] does have the disadvantage of limitng its practioners, requiring [[Casting Tool|Casting Tools]] to cast [[Formulaic Spell|Formulaic spells]]. Although it isn't clearly written in the core [[ArM5]] book, a different casting tool is required for each formulaic spell. For the most part, this is a cosmetic, flavor, requirement - the circumstances where a Verditius magus is deprived of his casting tools are rare. When this does happen, however, the effects can be dire. Note that both [[Spontanous Spell|spontanous]] and [[Ritual Spell|ritual]] spell casting does not require casting tools.

Each Verditius' casting tools should be fashioned in a form that is appropriate to his nature. Give thought also to how the magus carries them around. Are they drawn from a pouch? Worn as jewelry? Hang from a key-chain? 

=== References 

* [[ArM5]] 93
* [[HoHMC]] 117-118, and 119 for initiating magi from other Houses
* See also [[Verditus Elder Runes]].

Version 2

Date: 2008-12-30 22:51:51 GMT Author: Yair Comment: spelling & grammar

The [[Outer Mystery]] of '''Verditius Magic''' sets the [[Magus|magi]] of [[House Verditius]] apart from their brethern in the [[Order of Hermes|Order]]. It greatly enahcnes their ability to enchant items, but also limits their ability to cast [[Formulaic Spell|Formulaic spells]] by requiring the use of [[Casting Tool|casting tools]].

Verditius Magic is gained as the Free Virtue of [[House Verditius]] in character generation. As such, it is a [[Minor Virtue|Minor]] [[Hermetic Virtue]], and is shared by all Verditius magi, who are initiated into the House's [[Mystery Cult]] and its [[Outer Mystery]] in the earliest stages of their apprenticeship (see [[HoHMC]] 117-118). While it possible for a magus of another [[Houses of Hermes|House]] to adopt the [[Mystery]] and become a Verditius, this is especially difficult and dangerous (see [[HoHMC]] 119). It is virtually nonexistant outside the House, excepting perhaps some [[Orbus|Orbi Magi]]. 

A Verditius magus will typically specialize in a certain [[Craft Ability]], and fashion all his enchanted devices from raw materials using it. This allows him to take full advantage of this [[Mystery]]: the high [[Craft Ability]] both ibncreases all relevant [[Lab Total|Lab totals]]  and lowers the [[Raw Vis]] cost of [[Opening the Device|opening the item for enchantment]].

Since the use of [[Verditius Runes]] is free, most Verditius magi have at least some modest score in [[hilosophiae]]. This allows them to increase the [[Shape and Material Bonus]] to ''all'' the effects to be invested in the device. Since this is a generic bonus, not specific like the [[Shape and Material]] bonus, a high Philosophiae score would allow the Verditius magus to forgo any use of Shape and Material sympathies in the item - however, this would require a Philosophiae score as high as the magus' [[Magic Theory]] score, and this is a high expenditure of [[Experience Point|experience points]]. Most Verditius magi therefore only use Verditius Runes to slightly increase the Shape and Material Bonus when possible. Verditius Runes are most potent when used on an item that needs to support multiple types of enchantment (so that not all can be assisted by some appropriate Shape and Material design), or whose shape needs to be unrelated to its function. They are nearly useless for items that are easily fashioned, so that the small boost to the [[Lab Total]] is insignificant; but no Verditius that respects himself will be caught dead fashioning such items anyways.

A Verditius magus may prepare items for enchantment by other magi. This has the twin advantage of lowering the [[Raw Vis]] cost and of allowing the use of [[Verditius Runes]].

The [[Mystery]] does have the disadvantage of limitng its practioners, requiring [[Casting Tool|Casting Tools]] to cast [[Formulaic Spell|Formulaic spells]]. Although it isn't clearly written in the core [[ArM5]] book, a different casting tool is required for each formulaic spell. For the most part, this is a cosmetic, flavor, requirement - the circumstances where a Verditius magus is deprived of his casting tools are rare. When this does happen, however, the effects can be dire. Note that both [[Spontanous Spell|spontanous]] and [[Ritual Spell|ritual]] spell casting does not require casting tools.

Each Verditius' casting tools should be fashioned in a form that is appropriate to his nature. Give thought also to how the magus carries them around. Are they drawn from a pouch? Worn as jewelry? Hang from a key-chain? 

=== References 

* [[ArM5]] 93
* [[HoHMC]] 117-118, and 119 for initiating magi from other Houses
* See also [[Verditus Elder Runes]].