Legacy:The travels of fedoso

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-07 08:07:23 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

A mystic poem composed by [[Verderis]], the third [[Primus]] of [[House Criamon]], often used to teach Latin to apprentices. See [[HoHMC]] 55.


* [[HoHMC]] 55, 56 provides the [[Fifth Edition]] mention and presents some new ideas on how to use the work.
* [[Houses of Hermes]] 32 (for [[Fourth Edition]]) provides a synopsis of the tale with some advice on using it from the symbolic-interpretation viewpoint.
* The [[http://www.radix.net/~erewhon/arsma/|Castle Anthrax]] fan site provides a non-official version of the work.

Version 2

Date: 2008-04-07 11:59:03 GMT Author: Yair Comment: linked Latin

A mystic poem composed by [[Verderis]], the third [[Primus]] of [[House Criamon]], often used to teach [[Latin]]in]] to apprentices. See [[HoHMC]] 55.


* [[HoHMC]] 55, 56 provides the [[Fifth Edition]] mention and presents some new ideas on how to use the work.
* [[Houses of Hermes]] 32 (for [[Fourth Edition]]) provides a synopsis of the tale with some advice on using it from the symbolic-interpretation viewpoint.
* The [[http://www.radix.net/~erewhon/arsma/|Castle Anthrax]] fan site provides a non-official version of the w