
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-08-04 21:52:04 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

= Synopsis

A *tether* is a local focus responsible for concentrating enough fluid [[Vis|vis]] to create a [[Realm of Power|Magic]] [[Aura|aura]]. Tethers are known to function only in the context of the [[Realm]] of [[Magic]]; [[Aura|auras]] of other [[Realm]]s are created and fade by interaction with and exertion of certain powers that are aligned with these [[Realm]]s, respectively.

= References

* [[RoPM]], p. 8.

Version 2

Date: 2009-09-27 20:33:26 GMT Author: Tyrrell Comment:

= Synopsis

A *tether* is a local focus responsible for concentrating enough fluid [[Vis|vis]] to create a [[Realm of Power|Magic]] [[Aura|aura]]. Tethers are known to function only in the context of the [[Realm]] of [[Magic]]; [[Aura|auras]] of other [[Realm]]s are created and fade by interaction with and exertion of certain powers that are aligned with these [[Realm]]s, respectively. This shuould not be confused withthe ability to tether spells granted by the virtues Mutantes, Tamed Magic,and Tethered Magic

= References

* [[RoPM]], p. 8.

Version 3

Date: 2009-09-27 20:33:45 GMT Author: Tyrrell Comment:

= Synopsis

A *tether* is a local focus responsible for concentrating enough fluid [[Vis|vis]] to create a [[Realm of Power|Magic]] [[Aura|aura]]. Tethers are known to function only in the context of the [[Realm]] of [[Magic]]; [[Aura|auras]] of other [[Realm]]s are created and fade by interaction with and exertion of certain powers that are aligned with these [[Realm]]s, respectively. This shuould not be confused with the ability to tether spells granted by the virtues Mutantes, Tamed Magic, and Tethered Magic

= References

* [[RoPM]], p. 8.