Legacy:Spell range

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-05-10 21:52:05 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

The '''Range''' of a [[Magic|magical]] effect in general, or [[Hermetic]] [[Spell|spell]] in particular, specifies the distance on which it successfully affects its [[Target (spell)|target]].

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 111

= See also

* [[Spell]]
* [[Duration (spell)]]
* [[Target (spell)]]

Version 2

Date: 2009-05-10 22:02:54 GMT Author: pm Comment: Added actual Ranges

The '''Range''' of a [[Magic|magical]] effect in general, or [[Hermetic]] [[Spell|spell]] in particular, specifies the distance on which it successfully affects its [[Target (spell)|target]].

[[Mystery|Mysteries]] and [[Tradition]]s set aside, [[Hermetic]] [[Magic|magic]] knows the follow basic ranges:

: Personal : Affects the caster only.
: Touch : Affects a touched a [[Target (spell)]].
: Eye : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster can see eye to eye.
: Voice : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster's voice carries to.
: Sight : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster can see.
: [[Arcane Connection]] : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster has got an [[Arcane Connection]] to.

[[Mystery|Mysteries]] and [[Tradition]]s set aside, [[Hermetic]] [[Magic|magic]] knows the follow bas

Version 3

Date: 2010-07-15 12:08:46 GMT Author: Yair Comment: slight extension

The '''Range''' of a [[Magic|magical]] effect in general, or [[Hermetic]] [[Spell|spell]] in particular, specifies the distance on which it successfully affects its [[Target (spell)|target]]. It is important to note that this is the range to ''reach'' the target, and need not encompass all of it - it is enough to "touch" it, so to speak.

[[Mystery|Mysteries]] and [[Tradition]]s set aside, [[Hermetic]] [[Magic|magic]] knows the follow basic ranges:

: Personal : Affects the caster only.
: Touch : Affects a touched a [[Target (spell)]].
: Eye : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster can see eye to eye.
: Voice : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster's voice carries to.
: Sight : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster can see.
: [[Arcane Connection]] : Affects a [[Target (spell)]] that the caster has got an [[Arcane Connection]] to.

Although these are the standard ranged, Hermetic formulaic (and Ritual) spells can utilize non-standard ranges. These are limited only by the [[Limits of Magic]] and the consent of the [[troupe]], but precedent seems to indicate only minor extensions are allowed. Spontaneous spells are limited to the standard ranges.

= Non-Hermetic Ranges

Certain mysteries allow [[magi]] to cast spells with other ranges, often violating the [[Limits of Magic]] in subtle ways.

: Road : The [[Faerie Magic]] [[Exoteric Mystery|Exoteric]] [[Outer Mystery|Outer]] [[Mystery]] allows several benefits, amongst them the use of the new [[Road (Range)]] range. This range can also be accessed by the [[Neo-Mercurians]].
: Symbol : The [[Mystery]] of [[Symbolic Magic]] teaches several new [[spell parameter|spell parameters]], including the new range [[Symbol (Range)]].

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 111

= See also

* [[Spell]]
* [[Duration (spell)]]
* [[Target (spell)]]