Legacy:Spell mastery

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-08-23 18:42:04 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

= Synopsis

'''Spell Mastery''' represents a way to focus on the perfection of a particular [[Formulaic Magic|Formulaic spell]].

= Benefits

[[XP]] are used to buy incremental levels of expertise, much the same as with [[Ability|Abilities]]. Whenever a new level is reached, that is, the [[spell]] mastery reaches the next value, the character may choose one of the following specialties:

: Fast Casting : Allows [[Fast Casting]] to mastered [[spell]].
: Magic Resistance : Doubles [[Magic Resistance]] against the mastered or similar [[spell]]s.
: Multiple Casting : The mastered [[spell]] can be cast more than once.
: Penetration : Increases the [[Penetration]] of the mastered [[spell]].
: Quiet Casting : The penalty for quiet casting is reduced.
: Still Casting : There is no penalty for casting the mastered [[spell]] without gestures.

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 42 ([[Flawless Magic]] [[Virtue]]), 46 ([[Mastered Spells]] [[Virtue]]), '''86'''.

Version 2

Date: 2010-04-29 17:00:38 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added link to all abilities

= Synopsis

'''Spell Mastery''' represents a way to focus on the perfection of a particular [[Formulaic Magic|Formulaic spell]].

= Benefits

[[XP]] are used to buy incremental levels of expertise, much the same as with [[Ability|Abilities]]. Whenever a new level is reached, that is, the [[spell]] mastery reaches the next value, the character may choose one [[mastered spell special ability|special ability]]; these include

: Fast Casting : Allows [[Fast Casting]] to mastered [[spell]].
: Magic Resistance : Doubles [[Magic Resistance]] against the mastered or similar [[spell]]s.
: Multiple Casting : The mastered [[spell]] can be cast more than once.
: Penetration : Increases the [[Penetration]] of the mastered [[spell]].
: Quiet Casting : The penalty for quiet casting is reduced.
: Still Casting : There is no penalty for casting the mastered [[spell]] without gestures.

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 42 ([[Flawless Magic]] [[Virtue]]), 46 ([[Mastered Spells]] [[Virtue]]), '''86'''.