Legacy:Spell guidelines

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-03-19 12:36:44 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  The recommend a base Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]].

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level is too high or too low.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them.  

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the Level of new spells by analogy with existing spells.

Version 2

Date: 2008-03-19 12:40:35 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Typos, note on ArM4 guidlines

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a l for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]].

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level is too high or too low.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them.  

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  Th  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.e spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2

Version 3

Date: 2008-03-19 12:41:52 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Clarified when to ignore guidelines

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  w for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them.  

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the Level of new spells by a

Version 4

Date: 2008-03-19 13:16:01 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added list of all guidelines

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[TL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.n general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[TL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so p

Version 5

Date: 2008-03-20 00:05:21 GMT Author: Yair Comment:

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[TL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]],

Version 6

Date: 2008-03-21 09:52:30 GMT Author: Yair Comment:

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[TL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.

=Spell Guidelines in Past 7


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not incl

Version 7

Date: 2008-03-25 16:25:39 GMT Author: Yair Comment: link correction

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[HoHTL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the Level of new spells by analogy with existing spells.

Version 8

Date: 2008-05-02 18:31:38 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added spell guidelines

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[HoHTL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Aquam Guidelines


* Creating ice, [[HoHS]] 34.

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36.

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-64 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37.


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

==ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to esti

Version 9

Date: 2008-05-03 11:58:33 GMT Author: Yair Comment: HoHS entry

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[HoHTL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Aquam Guidelines


* Creating ice, [[HoHS]] 34.

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36.

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-68 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73, [[HoHS]] 68-70.

==Terram Guidelines

===m Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37.


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the Level of new spells by analogy with

Version 10

Date: 2008-05-23 23:11:24 GMT Author: Yair Comment:

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[HoHTL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Animal Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Aquam Guidelines


* Creating ice, [[HoHS]] 34.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Herbam Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Ignem Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-68 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73, [[HoHS]] 68-70.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37.


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

=Spell Guidelines in Past oHTL]] 72-73, [[HoHS]] 68-70.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37.


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidel

Version 11

Date: 2008-05-24 09:43:25 GMT Author: Yair Comment:

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Spell Guidelines Directory

Many [[ArM5]] supplements include new spell guidelines.  For convenience, we have collated references to them. In general, spell guidelines can be found in [[ArM5]] [[??]]-[[??]], [[Covenants]] 49-51, [[HoHS]] 35, 38, 60-70, 100, 129, [[HoHTL]] 72-75, [[TMRE]] 28, 93. See also [[HoHS]] 96. A listing by [[Hermetic Arts|Art]] and topic is presented below.

''Note: We cannot reproduce the guidelines themselves due to copyright law. This directory does not include guidelines relevant only to those posessing particular Virtues or Flaws; for that, refer to the specific virtue or flaw entry.''

==Animal Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Aquam Guidelines


* Creating ice, [[HoHS]] 34.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Auram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 127

* Transforming air into harmful gases, [[HoHS]] 36.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Corpus Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


[[ArM5]] 130

* Improve all wounds by one level of severity, [[HoHS]] 100


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Herbam Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Ignem Guidelines


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Imaginem Guidlines

Although it does not have new spell guidelines ''per se'', [[HoHS]] 61-68 elaborates greatly on rules for affecting senses and perception.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Mentem Guidelines

[[ArM5]] [[??]]


* Memory-related, [[HoHTL]] 72-73, [[HoHS]] 68-70.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Terram Guidelines


[[ArM5]] 155

* Destroying a single aspect of earth, [[HoHS]] 37.


* Communing with objects, [[HoHTL]] 74.


[[ArM5]] 155

* Hurling stone projectiles, [[HoHS]] 35, 38.

* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114

==Vim Guidelines


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]], [[HoHTL]] 74.


* [[Spell Trace|Spell traces]] and dispelling, [[HoHTL]] 75.


* Warding (repeating core), [[HoHS]] 114
* Sustain or suppress another's spell, [[HoHS]] 129

 Sustain or suppress another's spell, [[HoHS]] 129

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the

Version 12

Date: 2010-03-10 12:46:30 GMT Author: Yair Comment: replaced directory with link; more updated and detailed.

'''Spell guidelines''' (also ''spellcasting guidelines'' or ''spell design guidelines'') are the starting point in creating a new Hermetic [[Spell | spell]] or item effect.  They recommend a Level for the spell or effect based on what it does.  This base Level is then modified according to Range, Duration, Target, and Size (and, occasionally, other factors such as [[Requisite | Requisites]]).

Bear in mind that spell guidelines are meant to be exactly that: guidelines.  While they cover a great many possible effects, they are by no means comprehensive.  Sometimes, applying them may result in a spell whose Level seems too high or too low for the players' liking.  In those cases, players should let their judgment (and group consensus) override the written guidelines.

=Deuterocanonical Spell Guidelines

The core rulebook provides an extensive list of spell guidelines in the Spells chapter. Further guidelines were later provided in supplements, forming the "deuterocanonical" (i.e. "belonging to the second [[canon]]") spell guidelines. Atlas Games provides a [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Guidelines.pdf|free download]] of these extra guidelines. Note that the current file (as of March 2010) is updated through [[Realms of Power: Magic]], containing all deuterocanonical spell guidelines published up to and including it.

=Spell Guidelines in Past Editions

Spell guidelines were introduced in [[ArM4]].  Compared to [[ArM5]], they were fewer and less consistent.  They were also more complicated to apply because every Technique-Form combination had a different default Range, Duration, and Target.  The spells in the rulebook did not include any notes saying what guideline was used, so players had to reverse-engineer the spell Level to figure that out.

In [[ArM1]], [[ArM2]], and [[ArM3]], there were no formal guidelines for designing spells.  Players had to estimate the Level of new spells by analogy with existing spells.