
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-05-23 22:34:20 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

The ''Scinfolk'' are [[Gifted Companion|Gifted Companions]] acting as herb-wives and faerie-doctors through the use of the [[Fertility]] virtue. Although common in [[Mythic Europe]], such hedge wizards may be rare in the Order, presented only as an "idea" for an [[House Ex Miscellanea|Ex Miscellanea]] tradition in [[HoHS]] 109.

Version 2

Date: 2008-05-23 22:35:23 GMT Author: Yair Comment: slight change

The ''Scinfolk'' are [[Gifted Companion|Gifted Companions]] acting as herb-wives and faerie-doctors through the use of the [[Create Fertility]] supernatural ability supernatural ability. Although common in [[Mythic Europe]], such hedge wizards may be rare in the Order, presented only as an "idea" for an [[House Ex Miscellanea|Ex Miscellanea]] tradi

Version 3

Date: 2008-05-24 12:46:55 GMT Author: Yair Comment:

The ''Scinfolk'' are [[Gifted Companion|Gifted Companions]] acting as herb-wives and faerie-doctors through the use of the [[Controll Fertility]] supernatural ability. Although common in [[Mythic Europe]], such hedge wizards may be rare in the Order, presented only as an "idea" for an [[House Ex Miscellanea|Ex Miscellanea]] tradition in [[HoHS]] 109