
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-13 19:24:48 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

The second and fourth [[Primus]] of [[House Merinita]], who brought the House to focus on all things fey. 


* [[HoHMC]] 77.

Version 2

Date: 2008-04-13 19:49:00 GMT Author: Yair Comment: note on Founders

The second and fourth [[Primus]] of [[House Merinita]], who brought the House to focus on all things fey. He is sometimes (erronously) counted amoung the [[Founder|Founders]].He is sometimes (erronously) cou

Version 3

Date: 2008-04-13 22:41:32 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added line of Q note

The second and fourth [[Primus]] of [[House Merinita]], who brought the House to focus on all things fey. He is sometimes (erronously) counted amoung the [[Founder|Founders]].

See also the "Line of Quendalon", [[HoHMC]] 96.

See also the "Line of Quendalo