Legacy:Order of hermes book

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2010-02-27 23:53:36 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

'''(insert book/supplement title)''' is an Ars Magica supplement about (insert brief description of topic).

; Insert cover image if available.  Use images from Atlas Games website only.
; {{image|cover_image.jpg|right}}

'''Rules Edition:''' [[ArM2]]
'''Author(s):'''  [[Jonathan Tweet]]
'''Publisher:''' [[Lion Rampant]]
'''ISBN:''' None; ''Order of Hermes'' was published by a small press and has no ISBN on the cover or title page
'''Release Date:''' 1990
'''Format:''' [[Softcover]], 126 pages
'''Availability:''' Out of print; no electronic version available.


= Subject and Contents

''Order of Hermes'' was the seminal supplement for [[Ars Magica Revised Edition]] that defined most of the game's [[canon]] for the first time.  It was the first book to present the [[Houses]] in detail, to enumerate the [[Regional Tribunal | Regional Tribunals]], to discuss the [[Peripheral Code]] and Hermetic politics.  The influence of this book cannot be over-stated.  It laid out the essential elements of the [[Order of Hermes]]; later supplements have primarily focused on expanding and elaborating on the ideas that were first printed in this book.

Much of the content of ''Order of Hermes'' had previously been developed and published in [[White Wolf magazine]].

''Order of Hermes'' was very well-received when it was published and received a warm review in [[http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=8118 | Dragon issue #170]]. 

== Table of Contents

The table of contents gives a clear idea of what the book covers.

* Preface 4
* Introduction 7
* Life of a Magus 9
** Before Apprenticeship 9
** Apprenticeship 10
** Peculiarities of the Gift 13
** Becoming a Magus 14
** Life as a Magus 15
** Covenant Relations 16
** House Relations 17
** Friendship 17
** Titles of Honor 19
** [[Wizards Twilight | Wizard's Twilight]] 23
* History of the Order 28
** Ancient Origins 28
** Legend of the [[Old Ones]] 30-31
** The First Tribunal 31
** [[Hermetic Magic]] 32
** The [[Seeker|Seekers]] 32
** The Early Days 33
** The [[Schism War]] 34
** Magic of [[Pendule]] 34
** Legends of the Order 36
* Politics 37
** The [[Code of Hermes]] 37
** The [[Peripheral Code]] 39
** Crime and Punishment 41
** High Crimes 41
** Low Crimes 41
** [[Wizards War | Wizard's War]] 42
* Tribunals
** Customs of the Tribunals 42
** The [[Praeco | Leader]] of the Tribunal 43
** Voting 44
** The [[Quaesitor]] 44
** Topics of Debate 44
** The [[Grand Tribunal]] 45
* The [[Regional Tribunal | Thirteen Tribunals]] 46
** [[Greater Alps Tribunal | Tribunal of the Greater Alps]] 46
** [[Hibernian Tribunal]] 47
** [[Iberian Tribunal]] 47
** [[Levant Tribunal | Tribunal of the Levant]] 48
** [[Loch Leglean Tribunal]] 48
** [[Normandy Tribunal]] 48
** [[Novgorod Tribunal]] 48
** [[Proven�al Tribunal]] 49
** [[Rhine Tribunal]] 49
** [[Roman Tribunal]] 49
** [[Treaty of the Roman Tribunal]] 51
** [[Stonehenge Tribunal]] 51
** [[Tribunal of Themes | Thebes Tribunal]] 51
** [[Transylvanian Tribunal]] 51
** Covenants of Hibernia 52-53
* Outside Relations 56
** Relations with Society 56
** Non-Hermetic Magi 57
** Relations with Faeries 58
** Demons 59
* [[Houses of Hermes]] 60
** House Format 61
** [[House Bjornaer]] 62
** The Magical Hand Gestures 67
** [[House Bonisagus]] 68
** Classic Puzzles in [[Magic Theory]] 69
** [[House Criamon]] 72
** Riddles and Markings 76
** [[House D�edne]] 78
** [[House Ex Miscellanea]] 79
** [[House Flambeau]] 83
** [[House Jerbiton]] 87
** [[House Mercere]] 91
** [[House Merinita]] 96
** [[House Quaesitor]] 101
** The Quaesitoris as Judges 102
** [[House Tremere]] 106
** [[House Tytalus]] 112
** The [[Verditius Runes | Runes of Verditius]] 116
** Timeline of the Order 122-123
** Number of Living Magi, 1199 A.D. 123
* Hermetic Glossary 124-125

;== Particular Sub-topic

;If there is an important sub-topic dealt with in the book, write a sentence or ;two about it.  For example, [[Houses of Hermes True Lineages]] has an ;important section on Hermetic Law and that should be mentioned in a section ;like this.

;== Another Sub-topic

;With text

= Community Reviews

; The following reviews were collected from the original Ars Magica FAQ site:

FAQ Rating: **** (21 reviews; 0 *, 0 **, 5 ***, 16 ****)

* As essential as its [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] reincarnation. One ''needs'' one of those two books for any saga.
* The original guide to the Order, now replaced by [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] and the [[WGRE]].
* Ought to be accurately updated. A core element and theme for the game, concentrates on the Order instead of the individual, without losing the individual in the process.
* Details and background of the Order. A must have.
* Great stuff about the Order.
* The single best product for Ars Magica, and the most comprehensive overview of the social and professional lives of magi. Essential to almost every Saga. A 'must have', even if you have [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] 
* Superior to the revised edition.
* Excellent.

Please edit this page to add your own comments about this book.

= Related Topics

; Related pages within this site
* [[Order of Hermes]]
* [[Houses]]
* [[Code of Hermes]]

== Related Products

; Other products about the same topic or somehow related
* [[Wizards Grimoire]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire Revised Edition]]
* [[Houses of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]]

== Related Sites

; These are links to external sites like Wikipedia or ars-magica.net where
; there could be reviews,
:[[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AGXXXX.php | Official product page]] at Atlas Games

Version 2

Date: 2010-02-27 23:54:15 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed template text that was accidentally left in

'''Order of Hermes''' is an Ars Magica supplement about (insert brief description of topic).

; Insert cover image if available.  Use images from Atlas Games website only.
; {{image|cover_image.jpg|right}}

'''Rules Edition:''' [[ArM2]]
'''Author(s):'''  [[Jonathan Tweet]]
'''Publisher:''' [[Lion Rampant]]
'''ISBN:''' None; ''Order of Hermes'' was published by a small press and has no ISBN on the cover or title page
'''Release Date:''' 1990
'''Format:''' [[Softcover]], 126 pages
'''Availability:''' Out of print; no electronic version available.


= Subject and Contents

''Order of Hermes'' was the seminal supplement for [[Ars Magica Revised Edition]] that defined most of the game's [[canon]] for the first time.  It was the first book to present the [[Houses]] in detail, to enumerate the [[Regional Tribunal | Regional Tribunals]], to discuss the [[Peripheral Code]] and Hermetic politics.  The influence of this book cannot be over-stated.  It laid out the essential elements of the [[Order of Hermes]]; later supplements have primarily focused on expanding and elaborating on the ideas that were first printed in this book.

Much of the content of ''Order of Hermes'' had previously been developed and published in [[White Wolf magazine]].

''Order of Hermes'' was very well-received when it was published and received a warm review in [[http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=8118 | Dragon issue #170]]. 

== Table of Contents

The table of contents gives a clear idea of what the book covers.

* Preface 4
* Introduction 7
* Life of a Magus 9
** Before Apprenticeship 9
** Apprenticeship 10
** Peculiarities of the Gift 13
** Becoming a Magus 14
** Life as a Magus 15
** Covenant Relations 16
** House Relations 17
** Friendship 17
** Titles of Honor 19
** [[Wizards Twilight | Wizard's Twilight]] 23
* History of the Order 28
** Ancient Origins 28
** Legend of the [[Old Ones]] 30-31
** The First Tribunal 31
** [[Hermetic Magic]] 32
** The [[Seeker|Seekers]] 32
** The Early Days 33
** The [[Schism War]] 34
** Magic of [[Pendule]] 34
** Legends of the Order 36
* Politics 37
** The [[Code of Hermes]] 37
** The [[Peripheral Code]] 39
** Crime and Punishment 41
** High Crimes 41
** Low Crimes 41
** [[Wizards War | Wizard's War]] 42
* Tribunals
** Customs of the Tribunals 42
** The [[Praeco | Leader]] of the Tribunal 43
** Voting 44
** The [[Quaesitor]] 44
** Topics of Debate 44
** The [[Grand Tribunal]] 45
* The [[Regional Tribunal | Thirteen Tribunals]] 46
** [[Greater Alps Tribunal | Tribunal of the Greater Alps]] 46
** [[Hibernian Tribunal]] 47
** [[Iberian Tribunal]] 47
** [[Levant Tribunal | Tribunal of the Levant]] 48
** [[Loch Leglean Tribunal]] 48
** [[Normandy Tribunal]] 48
** [[Novgorod Tribunal]] 48
** [[Proven�al Tribunal]] 49
** [[Rhine Tribunal]] 49
** [[Roman Tribunal]] 49
** [[Treaty of the Roman Tribunal]] 51
** [[Stonehenge Tribunal]] 51
** [[Tribunal of Themes | Thebes Tribunal]] 51
** [[Transylvanian Tribunal]] 51
** Covenants of Hibernia 52-53
* Outside Relations 56
** Relations with Society 56
** Non-Hermetic Magi 57
** Relations with Faeries 58
** Demons 59
* [[Houses of Hermes]] 60
** House Format 61
** [[House Bjornaer]] 62
** The Magical Hand Gestures 67
** [[House Bonisagus]] 68
** Classic Puzzles in [[Magic Theory]] 69
** [[House Criamon]] 72
** Riddles and Markings 76
** [[House D�edne]] 78
** [[House Ex Miscellanea]] 79
** [[House Flambeau]] 83
** [[House Jerbiton]] 87
** [[House Mercere]] 91
** [[House Merinita]] 96
** [[House Quaesitor]] 101
** The Quaesitoris as Judges 102
** [[House Tremere]] 106
** [[House Tytalus]] 112
** The [[Verditius Runes | Runes of Verditius]] 116
** Timeline of the Order 122-123
** Number of Living Magi, 1199 A.D. 123
* Hermetic Glossary 124-125

;== Particular Sub-topic

;If there is an important sub-topic dealt with in the book, write a sentence or ;two about it.  For example, [[Houses of Hermes True Lineages]] has an ;important section on Hermetic Law and that should be mentioned in a section ;like this.

;== Another Sub-topic

;With text

= Community Reviews

; The following reviews were collected from the original Ars Magica FAQ site:

FAQ Rating: **** (21 reviews; 0 *, 0 **, 5 ***, 16 ****)

* As essential as its [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] reincarnation. One ''needs'' one of those two books for any saga.
* The original guide to the Order, now replaced by [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] and the [[WGRE]].
* Ought to be accurately updated. A core element and theme for the game, concentrates on the Order instead of the individual, without losing the individual in the process.
* Details and background of the Order. A must have.
* Great stuff about the Order.
* The single best product for Ars Magica, and the most comprehensive overview of the social and professional lives of magi. Essential to almost every Saga. A 'must have', even if you have [[House of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]] 
* Superior to the revised edition.
* Excellent.

Please edit this page to add your own comments about this book.

= Related Topics

; Related pages within this site
* [[Order of Hermes]]
* [[Houses]]
* [[Code of Hermes]]

== Related Products

; Other products about the same topic or somehow related
* [[Wizards Grimoire]]
* [[Wizards Grimoire Revised Edition]]
* [[Houses of Hermes book | Houses of Hermes]]

== Related Sites

; These are links to external sites like Wikipedia or ars-magica.net where
; there could be reviews,
:[[http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AGXXXX.php | Official product page]] at Atlas Games