Legacy:Nick simmonds

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2010-03-09 01:22:34 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

'''Nick Simmonds''' is an author who co-wrote several [[Fifth Edition]] supplements.

Version 2

Date: 2010-03-09 01:24:34 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Made it correct.

'''Nick Simmonds''' is an author who co-wrote [[House of Hermes: Societates]].  He wrote the [[Ex Miscellanea]] [[tradition]], the [[Cult of Orpheus]].

Version 3

Date: 2010-03-09 01:25:08 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed typo in link

'''Nick Simmonds''' is an author who co-wrote [[Houses of Hermes: Societates]].  He wrote the [[Ex Miscellanea]] [[tradition]], the [[Cult of Orpheus]].

Version 4

Date: 2010-03-09 01:38:04 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added vis sources

'''Nick Simmonds''' is an author who co-wrote [[Houses of Hermes: Societates]].  He wrote the [[Ex Miscellanea]] [[tradition]], the [[Cult of Orpheus]].  He also wrote some [[vis source | vis sources]] for [[Covenants book | Covenants]].

= References

* Covenant Workshop (Muto), [[Covenants book | Covenants]] page 74
* Lovers' Violets (Corpus), [[Covenants book | Covenants]] page 78
* Firebrand's Rantings (Ignem), [[Covenants book | Covenants]] pages 79-80