
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-01-05 21:36:38 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version


Version 2

Date: 2008-01-09 16:41:58 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment:

= Latest News

* [[About]] page created 2008-01-09
* System setup at 2008-01-04.

Version 3

Date: 2008-01-10 16:52:26 GMT Author: pm Comment: Pointer to page "Overview".

= Latest News

* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 4

Date: 2008-03-12 03:24:15 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Updated About page

= Latest News

* 2008-03-11  Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10  Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry

Version 5

Date: 2008-03-12 16:00:49 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment:

= Latest News

* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry

Version 6

Date: 2008-04-11 14:55:27 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Page count

= Latest News

* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to colle

Version 7

Date: 2008-09-07 22:38:35 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added some news from August and September

= Latest News

* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now hav

Version 8

Date: 2008-12-26 18:55:30 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: This page to be deleted

= Latest News

* 2008-12-26: This page is scheduled for deletion.  The [[About]], [[News]], and [[Overview]] pages are being merged together to make browsing easier.
* 2008-02-26: This page is scheduled for deletion.  The [[About]], [[News]], and [[Overview]] pages are being merged together to make browsing easier.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about imp

Version 9

Date: 2008-12-27 15:47:14 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added transition plan

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan
Project: Redcap is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 10

Date: 2008-12-27 20:38:36 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Guest account created

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan
Project: Redcap is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect en

Version 11

Date: 2008-12-28 19:28:11 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Migrated Sagas

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan
Project: Redcap is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-

Version 12

Date: 2008-12-29 13:08:08 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added handy links for the casual visitor

Please note:

* For a description of what this site is and its purpose, please see the [[About]] page.
* For a list of topics covered by this site, see the [[Overview]] page.

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew ease see the [[About]] page.
* For a list of topics covered by this site, see the [[Overview]] page.

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[A

Version 13

Date: 2008-12-29 13:42:44 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Beg for volunteers

Please note:

* For a description of what this site is and its purpose, please see the [[About]] page.
* For a list of topics covered by this site, see the [[Overview]] page.

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


* =Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessaril

Version 14

Date: 2008-12-29 15:36:26 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: First use of guest account

Please note:

* For a description of what this site is and its purpose, please see the [[About]] page.
* For a list of topics covered by this site, see the [[Overview]] page.

=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

=Site News

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: 
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs

Version 15

Date: 2008-12-29 15:37:21 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment:

Please note:

* For a description of what this site is and its purpose, please see the [[About]] page.
* For a list of topics covered by this site, see the [[Overview]] page.

=Site News

==Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 16

Date: 2008-12-29 23:09:59 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Removed links made obsolete by navigation bar

to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process should be completed in the first quarter of 2009.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least on've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our erson has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 17

Date: 2009-05-03 13:50:58 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Update with missed deadline

=Site News

==Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process is well underway.  We've missed our target of Q1 2009 but work continues steadily.  All of the Redcap English-language links and about 2/3 of the 5th Edition [[FAQ]] have been migrated.2009 but work continues steadily.  All of the Redcap English-language links and about 2/3 of the 5th Edition [[FAQ]] have been migrated.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.

Version 18

Date: 2009-05-08 20:13:42 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added status of FAQ

=Site News

==Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by Andrew Gronosky, who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process is well underway.  We've missed our target of Q1 2009 but work continues steadily.  All of the Redcap English-language links and about 2/3 of the 5th Edition [[FAQ]] have been migrated.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb -- in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb -- in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-1

Version 19

Date: 2009-06-19 15:00:26 GMT Author: pm Comment: New software installed

=Site News

==Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process is well underway.  We've missed our target of Q1 2009 but work continues steadily.  All of the Redcap English-language links and about 2/3 of the 5th Edition [[FAQ]] have been migrated.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


== News Items

* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb -- in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 20

Date: 2009-08-22 03:48:40 GMT Author: pm Comment: Server software switched from testing to active.

=Site News

==Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

The contents of Project: Redcap are being copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  Once this process is complete, ''HermesWeb'' will ''become'' the new Project: Redcap Web site.  It will move to the address www.redcap.org, and will be re-named to "Project: Redcap".

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

This process is well underway.  We've missed our target of Q1 2009 but work continues steadily.  All of the Redcap English-language links and about 2/3 of the 5th Edition [[FAQ]] have been migrated.

==Volunteers Wanted!

We need your help!  Volunteers are welcome to contribute in any way they can.  We are especially in need of:

* People who can write in-depth discussion of tricky rules subjects like Wards or the mundane interference clause of the [[Hermetic Oath]].
* People who can start the home pages for [[Languages]] other than English
* Maps and illustrations


= News Items

* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb � in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 21

Date: 2010-02-21 20:17:52 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Updated, Feb 2010


Last updated Feb. 20, 2010


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' that are not found in Project: Redcap are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

Most of the contents of Project: Redcap have been copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  What remains now to be done is to re-design the front page of HermesWeb for the new purpose of being the "crossroads of the Order."

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will soon be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

= News Items

* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-??-??: Site was migrated from the old software (Pie) to new software (PageWork)
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 22

Date: 2010-02-23 02:20:11 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Removed redundant new item


Last updated Feb. 22, 2010


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' that are not found in Project: Redcap are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

Most of the contents of Project: Redcap have been copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  What remains now to be done is to re-design the front page of HermesWeb for the new purpose of being the "crossroads of the Order."

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will soon be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

= News Items

* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 23

Date: 2010-03-09 23:25:48 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment:


Last updated March 9, 2010

More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' that are not found in Project: Redcap are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

Most of the contents of Project: Redcap have been copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  What remains now to be done is to re-design the front page of HermesWeb for the new purpose of being the "crossroads of the Order."

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will soon be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

= News Items

* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 24

Date: 2010-03-14 19:11:22 GMT Author: pm Comment: Added link to poll


Last updated March 9, 2010

More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' that are not found in Project: Redcap are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

Most of the contents of Project: Redcap have been copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  What remains now to be done is to re-design the front page of HermesWeb for the new purpose of being the "crossroads of the Order."

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will soon be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

= News Items

* 2010-03-14: You can change the future of this project, [[Project Redcap]]/[[HermesWeb]]-to-be, or at least, its name. [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5690|� Vote here]].
* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 25

Date: 2010-03-23 01:04:33 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Update about the Geocities purge


Last updated March 9, 2010

More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

[[Project Redcap]] is maintained by [[Andrew Gronosky]], who is also a member of the ''HermesWeb'' team.  ''HermesWeb'' is intended to become a super-set of Project: Redcap: it will contain everything Redcap contains, and more.  The new portions of ''HermesWeb'' that are not found in Project: Redcap are extensive sections on the [[Rules]], the [[Order of Hermes]], and [[Mythic Europe]], plus new [[Downloads]] and fan-created articles.

Most of the contents of Project: Redcap have been copied by hand into ''HermesWeb''.  What remains now to be done is to re-design the front page of HermesWeb for the new purpose of being the "crossroads of the Order."

All the old Redcap pages will be left online, but a note will soon be added to each saying it is no longer being maintained and pointing the reader to the new location.  This way, the many thousands of Web links pointing to the (current, as of 2008) Redcap site will remain valid.

= News Items

* 2010-03-22: The free Web hosting service Geocities went offline on October 27, 2009.  Today we began the process of going through and pruning out the links to all the great Ars Magica pages that are gone forever.  It's a bit depressing to see that Saga pages that have been around since the mid-1990's have disappeared.
* 2010-03-14: You can change the future of this project, [[Project Redcap]]/[[HermesWeb]]-to-be, or at least, its name. [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5690|� Vote here]].
* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 26

Date: 2010-03-24 23:33:01 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added separate Ars Magica News section


Last updated March 9, 2010

More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

We have identified a hosting provider for the combined site and will shortly be going to work to integrate HermesWeb into [[http://www.redcap.org/ | Project: Redcap]].

= Ars Magica News

* 2010-03-24: [[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/ | Alter Ego Software]] has announced a new [[Metacreator]] add-on covering [[Houses of Hermes: Societates]] and The [[Lion and the Lily]].
* 2010-03-24: We have some new rumors on the [[Upcoming Products]] page.
* The 2010 Ars Magica [[Conventions | Convention]] will be held on August 20-22, 2010.  There is still time to [[http://us.grandtribunal.net/ | register]].

= Site News

* 2010-03-22: The free Web hosting service Geocities went offline on October 27, 2009.  Today we began the process of going through and pruning out the links to all the great Ars Magica pages that are gone forever.  It's a bit depressing to see that Saga pages that have been around since the mid-1990's have disappeared.
* 2010-03-14: You can change the future of this project, [[Project Redcap]]/[[HermesWeb]]-to-be, or at least, its name. [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5690|� Vote here]].
* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 27

Date: 2010-03-24 23:34:23 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed date of the new rumors


More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

We have identified a hosting provider for the combined site and will shortly be going to work to integrate HermesWeb into [[http://www.redcap.org/ | Project: Redcap]].

= Ars Magica News

* 2010-03-24: [[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/ | Alter Ego Software]] has announced a new [[Metacreator]] add-on covering [[Houses of Hermes: Societates]] and The [[Lion and the Lily]].
* 2010-03-04: We have some new rumors on the [[Upcoming Products]] page.
* The 2010 Ars Magica [[Conventions | Convention]] will be held on August 20-22, 2010.  There is still time to [[http://us.grandtribunal.net/ | register]].

= Site News

* 2010-03-22: The free Web hosting service Geocities went offline on October 27, 2009.  Today we began the process of going through and pruning out the links to all the great Ars Magica pages that are gone forever.  It's a bit depressing to see that Saga pages that have been around since the mid-1990's have disappeared.
* 2010-03-14: You can change the future of this project, [[Project Redcap]]/[[HermesWeb]]-to-be, or at least, its name. [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5690|� Vote here]].
* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.

Version 28

Date: 2010-07-28 15:19:29 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Announced the attack of the spammers


More detailed information about the project status, plans, and goals may be found on the [[Administration]] page.


=Redcap-HermesWeb Transition Plan

We have identified a hosting provider for the combined site and will shortly be going to work to integrate HermesWeb into [[http://www.redcap.org/ | Project: Redcap]].

= Ars Magica News

* 2010-03-24: [[http://www.alteregosoftware.com/ | Alter Ego Software]] has announced a new [[Metacreator]] add-on covering [[Houses of Hermes: Societates]] and The [[Lion and the Lily]].
* 2010-03-04: We have some new rumors on the [[Upcoming Products]] page.
* The 2010 Ars Magica [[Conventions | Convention]] will be held on August 20-22, 2010.  There is still time to [[http://us.grandtribunal.net/ | register]].

= Site News

* 2010-07-27: We received our first spam attack.  We will have to disable anonymous editing, permanently. :-(
* 2010-03-22: The free Web hosting service Geocities went offline on October 27, 2009.  Today we began the process of going through and pruning out the links to all the great Ars Magica pages that are gone forever.  It's a bit depressing to see that Saga pages that have been around since the mid-1990's have disappeared.
* 2010-03-14: You can change the future of this project, [[Project Redcap]]/[[HermesWeb]]-to-be, or at least, its name. [[http://forum.atlas-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5690|� Vote here]].
* 2010-03-09: There has been a flurry of activity on content creation.  We are filling in a lot of the high-ranked missing resources, and have only a few missing pages with more than 5 backlinks.
* 2010-02-20: Assigned categories to > 50 uncategorized pages.
* 2009-08-22: Server software switched from testing to active.
* 2009-06-19: Server software upgraded to new major release (in fact, entirely new software).
* 2009-05-08: Nearly all the questions from the Redcap [[FAQ]] have been incorporated into HermesWeb.  I estimate that over 80% of the Project Redcap content is now incorporated into HermesWeb in addition to the hundreds of new articles created just for this project.
* 2008-12-29: We've got our new, improved navigation bar.  Thanks, Pitt!
* 2008-12-29: We had our first anonymous edit using the guest account.  This is a big deal because it means at least one other person has contributed to our project!  Thank you, whoever you are.
* 2008-12-28: All [[Saga]] pages from [[Project Redcap]] have been migrated to here.  Actually, Yair had already done most of the work and I just followed through and checked the links and marked the Redcap pages as outdated.  I'll get started on migrating the [[FAQ]] next.
* 2008-12-27: Guest account created.  See [[Contributing]] for instructions.
* 2008-12-27: Posted transition plan.
* 2008-09-07: HermesWeb has gone public!  We're now listed in [[http://www.redcap.org | Project: Redcap]]
* 2008-08-09: There is [[http://arsmagica.wikia.com/wiki/Ars_Magica_Wiki | another Ars Magica Wiki]] out there!  It looks like we won't be the only interactive site for Ars Magica fans.  This is not, however, necessarily a bad thing.
* 2008-04-11: We now have over 400 pages, mostly due to Yair's incredible efforts
* 2008-03-12: Created [[Administration]] page to discuss plans and needs
* 2008-03-11: Rewrote the [[About]] page to talk about important points.
* 2008-01-10: [[Overview]] created as a means to collect entry points.
* 2008-01-09: [[About]] page created.
* 2008-01-04: System setup.