Legacy:Naming conventions

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-03-29 20:46:18 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

There is little information in [[Canon|canon]] regarding the naming conventions of [[Magus|magi]]. It appears that in general magi adopt Hermetic names upon finishing their [[Gauntlet]]. These are often names in Latin that relate to the magus' nature, heritage, purpose, or so on. The name needs to be claimed by the magus, but is subject to approval. [[??]] add note on Hermes in HoHTL Mercere.

[[HoHMC]] does mention notes on the naming conventions of [[Bjornaer]] magi ([[HoHMC]] 11).

Version 2

Date: 2008-05-03 13:11:03 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Tytalus names

There is little information in [[Canon|canon]] regarding the naming conventions of [[Magus|magi]]. It appears that in general magi adopt Hermetic names upon finishing their [[Gauntlet]]. These are often names in Latin that relate to the magus' nature, heritage, purpose, or so on. The name needs to be claimed by the magus, but is subject to approval. [[Canon]] hints that the assembled magi approving the Gauntlet may determine the magus' Hermetic name (see the case of "Mutant" or "Triceres" in [[HoHTL]] 96). The [[Primus]] of [[House Tytalus]] also has the right to confer a magus' name, though it has deteriorated to mere approval (see [[HoHS]] 80).roving the Gauntlet may determine the magus' Hermetic name (see the case of "Mutant" or "Tri, and [[HoHS]] provides naming conventions for [[Tytalus]] magic