Legacy:Magic theory

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-01-01 19:36:55 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

Magic Theory refers to the [[Hermetic]] theory of magic developed by [[Bonisagus the Founder]], which is the most powerful and flexible form of magic ever known to [[Mythic Europe]].

'''Magic Theory''' is an [[Arcane Ability]] possessed by nearly all [[Magus|Magi]].  It represents an understanding of mystical principles such as the [[Laws of Magic]] and transcends the scope of any single [[Art]].

=Uses of Magic Theory

The Magic Theory Ability is very important to a magus because the character's score in Magic Theory is added to his or her [[Lab Total]].  Therefore it is important for all [[Laboratory]] activities, including learning spells, inventing new spells, enchanting devices, and creating a [[Longevity Ritual]].

A magus's Magic Theory score determines the amount of [[Vis]] he or she can use in the laboratory.  This limit can be found on page 94 of ArM5.

=Who can Learn Magic Theory

Anyone can learn [[Magic Theory]].  However, in [[ArM5]], only characters with [[The Gift]] can assist a magus in the lab.

=Alternatives to Magic Theory

Magi of [[House Merinita]] can use their score in [[Faerie Magic]] in lieu of Magic Theory in some circumstances.

Some [[Hedge Wizard|Hedge Wizards]] can perform limited [[Laboratory]] activities using their knowledge of folk magic, which is covered under the [[Magic Lore]] skill.

=Development of Magic Theory

See [[Hermetic Magic]].


* Ability description, [[ArM5]] page 66 
* Vis limit, [[ArM5]] page 94

Version 2

Date: 2009-01-01 20:54:26 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added uses

Magic Theory refers to the [[Hermetic]] theory of magic developed by [[Bonisagus the Founder]], which is the most powerful and flexible form of magic ever known to [[Mythic Europe]].

'''Magic Theory''' is an [[Arcane Ability]] possessed by nearly all [[Magus|Magi]].  It represents an understanding of mystical principles such as the [[Laws of Magic]] and transcends the scope of any single [[Art]].

=Uses of Magic Theory

The Magic Theory Ability is very important to a magus because the character's score in Magic Theory is added to his or her [[Lab Total]].  Therefore it is important for all [[Laboratory]] activities, including learning spells, inventing new spells, enchanting devices, and creating a [[Longevity Ritual]].

A magus's Magic Theory score determines the amount of [[Vis]] he or she can use in the laboratory.  This limit can be found on page 94 of ArM5. Magic Theory further limits the number of components one can incorporate into an [[Enchanted Item|invested item]] (see [[ArM5]] page 97), is required to set up an Hermetic laboratory, to copy books on magic effectively, and so on. Magic Theory further limits the number of components one can incorporate into an [[Enchanted Item|invested item]] (see [[ArM5]] page 97), is required to set up an Hermetic laboratory, to copy books on magic effectively, and so on.

=Who can Learn Magic Theory

Anyone can learn [[Magic Theory]].  However, in [[ArM5]], only characters with [[The Gift]] can assist a magus in the lab.

=Alternatives to Magic Theory

Magi of [[House Merinita]] can use their score in [[Faerie Magic]] in lieu of Magic Theory in some circumstances.

Some [[Hedge Wizard|Hedge Wizards]] can perform limited [[Laboratory]] activ