
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-06 23:13:37 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

Former members of [[House Criamon]] who have rejected its central teachings are known as '''Gorgiastics''. Most are [[Magi Orbi]], probably within [[House Ex Miscellanea]], although a few would retire to other Houses or even remain within [[House Criamon]] for a time.


* [[HoHMC]] 52.

Version 2

Date: 2008-04-06 23:13:56 GMT Author: Yair Comment: minor edit

Former members of [[House Criamon]] who have rejected its central teachings are known as '''Gorgiastics''''. Most are [[Magi Orbi]], probably within [[House Ex Miscellanea]], although a few would retire to other Houses or even remain within [[House Criamon]] for a time.


* [[HoHMC]] 52

Version 3

Date: 2008-04-07 23:25:20 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Added Virtue information

Former members of [[House Criamon]] who have rejected its central teachings are known as '''Gorgiastics'''. Most are [[Magi Orbi]], probably within [[House Ex Miscellanea]], although a few would retire to other Houses or even remain within [[House Criamon]] for a time.

Also, the [[Minor Virtue|Minor]] [[General Virtue]] of that name, signifying this status. Note that a Gorgiast magus may only have a relatively low score in [[Enigmatic Wisdom]].

Also, the [[Minor Virtue|Minor, 73]