
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-03-17 17:18:42 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

A *Gild*, as presented in [[Guardians of the Forest]], is a free society ([[Soecietas]]) of [[magi]] within the [[Rhine Tribunal]], founded to foster a particular political ideal or goal. The gilds are afforded official status under some [[Peripheral Code]] rulings and are associated with certain new virtues and falws, but their key function are to serve as political parties and they exert their power through social pressure and expectations. [[GotF]] presents several [[canonic]] gilds, with varying and competing goals.

* [[GotF]]27.

Version 2

Date: 2008-03-17 17:19:44 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

A *Gild*, as presented in [[Guardians of the Forest]], is a free society ([[Soecietas]]) of [[magi]] within the [[Rhine Tribunal]], founded to foster a particular political ideal or goal. The gilds are afforded official status under some [[Peripheral Code]] rulings and are associated with certain new virtues and flaws, but their key function is to sere as political parties and they exert their power through social pressure and expectations. [[GotF]] presents several [[canonic]] gilds, with varying and competing goals.

* [[GotF]]27.

Version 3

Date: 2008-03-18 15:36:31 GMT Author: Yair Comment: typo

A *Gild*, as presented in [[Guardians of the Forest]], is a free society ([[Soietas]]) of [[magi]] within the [[Rhine Tribunal]], founded to foster a particular political ideal or goal. The gilds are afforded official status under some [[Peripheral Code]] rulings and are associated with certain new virtues and flaws, but their key function is to serve as political parties and they exert their power through social pressure and expectations. [[GotF]] presents several [[canonic]] gilds, with varying and competing goals.

* [[GotF]]27.