
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2010-03-09 23:43:34 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

'''Exposure''' in [[ArM5]] refers to a method for gaining [[Experience Points]].  For other meanings of the term, see Related Topics below.

= Gaining Experience Through Exposure

Exposure is a kind of learning by doing.  Unlike other methods of gaining experience points, a character can get exposure while spending the [[Season]] doing something else.  For example, if a companion spends a season working as a blacksmith, she makes a lot of horseshoes (and some money) and simultaneously gains experience points due to exposure.

Compared to other learning methods in [[ArM5]], exposure tends to have a poor [[Source Quality]] � with the exception of exposure to a Language [[Ability]] by immersion, which has a rather high Source Quality.

= Past Editions

Exposure as a learning method did not formally exist prior to [[ArM5]], but a related concept does appear in [[Fourth Edition]]: [[magus | magi]] gained experience points in [[Magic Theory]] every season they spent working in the [[Laboratory]].

= Related Topics

* [[Training]]
* [[Practice]]
* [[Books]]
* [[Teaching]]
* [[Apprenticeship]]
* Deprivation (exposure to the elements), [[ArM5]] page 180

Version 2

Date: 2010-03-09 23:45:10 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added reference

'''Exposure''' in [[ArM5]] refers to a method for gaining [[Experience Points]].  For other meanings of the term, see Related Topics below.

= Gaining Experience Through Exposure

Exposure is a kind of learning by doing.  Unlike other methods of gaining experience points, a character can get exposure while spending the [[Season]] doing something else.  For example, if a companion spends a season working as a blacksmith, she makes a lot of horseshoes (and some money) and simultaneously gains experience points due to exposure.

Compared to other learning methods in [[ArM5]], exposure tends to have a poor [[Source Quality]] � with the exception of exposure to a Language [[Ability]] by immersion, which has a rather high Source Quality.

= Past Editions

Exposure as a learning method did not formally exist prior to [[ArM5]], but a related concept does appear in [[Fourth Edition]]: [[magus | magi]] gained experience points in [[Magic Theory]] every season they spent working in the [[Laboratory]].

= References

* Exposure, [[ArM5]] page 165

= Related Topics

* [[Training]]
* [[Practice]]
* [[Books]]
* [[Teaching]]
* [[Apprenticeship]]
* Deprivation (exposure to the elements), [[ArM5]] page 180
* [[Long-Term Fatigue]] (exposure to the elements)