Legacy:Ease factor

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-26 17:15:25 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

In [[Ars Magica]], the *Ease Factor* is the minimum number a player has to roll (after modifiers) in order for a character to succeed at a task.  The term is a little counter-intuitive because more difficult tasks have a _higher_ Ease Factor.

Ease Factors are commonly multiples of 3, but that is just a convention, not a hard and fast rule.

=Example of Ease Factors in Play

A character with a [[Strength]] of +2 tries to force open a barred door.  The storyguide tells the player to roll a Str [[stress die]] against an Ease Factor of 9.  The player rolls a 7, which is modified by the character's +2 [[Strength]], for a total of 9.  Since this equals the Ease Factor, the task succeeds: the door opens.

Version 2

Date: 2008-04-26 17:16:50 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Link correction

In [[Ars Magica]], the *Ease Factor* is the minimum number a player has to roll (after modifiers) in order for a character to succeed at a task.  The term is a little counter-intuitive because more difficult tasks have a _higher_ Ease Factor.

Ease Factors are commonly multiples of 3, but that is just a convention, not a hard and fast rule.

=Example of Ease Factors in Play

A character with a [[Strength]] of +2 tries to force open a barred door.  The storyguide tells the player to roll a Str [[Stress Die]] against an Ease Factor of 9.  The player rolls a 7, which is modified by the character's +2 [[Strength]], for a total of 9.  Since this equals the Ease Factor, the task succeeds: the door opens.