
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-02-02 02:34:02 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

Every character in [[Ars Magica]] is governed by eight *characteristics* that reflect his basic aptitude and competence:

* [[Intelligence]] (abbr. Int)
* [[Perception]] (abbr. Per)
* [[Strength]] (abbr. Str)
* [[Stamina]] (abbr. Sta)
* [[Presence]] (abbr. Pre)
* [[Communication]] (abbr. Com)
* [[Dexterity]] (abbr. Dex)
* [[Quickness]] (abbr. Qik)

= Quantification

Zero represents the human standard for all characteristics. Higher values stand for higher aptitude. -5 (abysmally bad) and +5 (exceptionally good) are considered the bounds for mortal human.

= Differentiation

While [[Strength]] is usually treated as an active attribute, [[Stamina]] applies to active as well as reactive actions.

While [[Presence]] powers appearance and leadership, [[Communication]] governs the finer nuances of human interaction as well as the ability to express oneself through words. Manipulating a person might be based on either characteristic.

While manipulating someone would be based on [[Presence]] or [[Communication]], detecting deception, lies, and falsehood would be based on [[Perception]].

While [[Dexterity]] determines the accuracy and grace of a movement, [[Quickness]] determines its speed.

As far as reflexes (reactive actions) are concerned, [[Perception]], [[Quickness]], or even both might be called for, depending on the actual circumstances.

= Relevance

In theory, all characteristics are equally important, and will be relied on sooner or later. Compared to former editions, [[ArM5|fifth edition]] emphasizes the importance of [[Stamina]] due to all spell casting being based on that characteristic.

= Variation

All mundane characters have a score in all eight characteristics, while characters that are aligned with one of the [[Realms of Power|Realms]] may lack some of them. For example, an immaterial creature, such as a ghost, may not have a [[Strength]] score because it is unable to exert physical power � at least by physical means.

For animals that do not belong to one of the [[Realms of Power|Realms]], [[Intelligence]] is usually replaced by [[Cunning]] to reflect their animalistic nature.

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 18.
* [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Beasts.pdf|Book of Mundane Beasts]]

Version 2

Date: 2009-02-02 19:04:38 GMT Author: pm Comment: Typo corrected. Probability. Additional Reference.

All characters in [[Ars Magica]] are governed by eight *characteristics* that reflect their innate ae aptitude and competence:

* [[Intelligence]] (abbr. Int)
* [[Perception]] (abbr. Per)
* [[Strength]] (abbr. Str)
* [[Stamina]] (abbr. Sta)
* [[Presence]] (abbr. Pre)
* [[Communication]] (abbr. Com)
* [[Dexterity]] (abbr. Dex)
* [[Quickness]] (abbr. Qik)

= QuantificatioScore 0 represents the human standard for all characteristics. Higher values stand for higher aptitude. -5 (abysmally bad) and +5 (exceptionally good) are considered the bounds for mortal humans.

Due to incremental [[Costs|costs]], different scores are not equally probable. For example, score +4 is not as likely as a mere +2, because +2 costs 3 points, while +4 costs 10 points in total.

= Differentiation

While [[Strength]] is usually treated as an active attribute, [[Stamina]] applies to active as well as reactive actions.

While [[Presence]] reigns appearance and leadership, [[Communication]] governs the finer nuances of human interaction as well as the ability to express oneself through words, both spoken and written. Manipulating a person might be based on either characteristic, depending on how it is done.

While manipulating someone would be based on [[Presence]] or [[Communication]], detecting deception, lies, and falsehood would be based on [[Perception]].

While [[Dexterity]] determines the accuracy and grace of a movement, [[epending on how it is done.

While manipulating someone would be based on [[Presence]] or [[Communication]], detecting deception, lies, and falsehood would be based on [[Perception]].

While [[Dexterity]] determines the accuracy and grace of a movement, [[Quickness]] determines upits speed.

As far as reflexes (reactive actions) are concerned, [[Perception]], [[Quickness]], or even both might be called for, depending on the actual circumstances.

= Relevance

In theory, all characteristics are equally important, and will be relied ereas creatures that are aligned with one of the [[Realms of Power]] may lack some of them. For example, an incorporeal creature, such as a ghost, may not haaracteristic.

= Variation

All mundane characters have a score in all eight characteristics, whereas creatures that are aligned with one of the [[Realms of Power]] may lack some of them. For example, an incorporeal creature, such as a ghost, may not have a [[Strength]] score because it is una*18*, 191.
* [[RoPM]], p. 31, 55, 84, 100, 140.
* [[or animals that do not b