Legacy:Book of mundane beasts

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-12-27 15:27:18 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

The ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' is an official [[ArM5]] supplement, available as a free PDF download from the Atlas Games Web site.  It contains statistics for the following mundane beasts:

* Adder
* Bear
* Boar
* Bull
* Cat
* Falcon
* Horse (courser and destrier)
* Hound
* Lion
* Stag
* Wolf

An exact copy of the ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' was included as an appendix in [[Realms of Power Magic|Realms of Power:Magic]].


''The Book of Mundane Beasts'': [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Beasts.pdf]]


The [[ArM5]] rule book does not contain statistics for any mundane beasts.  It does have a Bestiary chapter, but that chapter is a bit shorter than in previous editions.  While discussion in the [[Fan Community]] indicated that Fifth Edition was very well-received, one persistent criticism was that statistics for animals were lacking.  This made it hard for player of [[House Bjornaer|Bjornaer]] magi, for instance, or those whose characters have an Animal Companion.

In response to the fan community, [[Atlas Games]] produced the ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' and made it available free of charge.

Version 2

Date: 2010-02-25 03:00:57 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Link to orphan

The ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' is an official [[ArM5]] supplement, available as a free PDF download from the Atlas Games Web site.  It contains statistics for the following mundane beasts:

* Adder
* Bear
* Boar
* Bull
* [[Cat]]
* Falcon
* Horse (courser and destrier)
* Hound
* Lion
* Stag
* Wolf

An exact copy of the ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' was included as an appendix in [[Realms of Power Magic|Realms of Power:Magic]].


''The Book of Mundane Beasts'': [[http://www.atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ArM5Beasts.pdf]]


The [[ArM5]] rule book does not contain statistics for any mundane beasts.  It does have a Bestiary chapter, but that chapter is a bit shorter than in previous editions.  While discussion in the [[Fan Community]] indicated that Fifth Edition was very well-received, one persistent criticism was that statistics for animals were lacking.  This made it hard for player of [[House Bjornaer|Bjornaer]] magi, for instance, or those whose characters have an Animal Companion.

In response to the fan community, [[Atlas Games]] produced the ''Book of Mundane Beasts'' and made it available free of charge.