Legacy:Ars magica

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-01-07 16:07:14 GMT Author: pm Comment: Initial version

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/arm5/|Atlas Games]] : The publisher's web site.
: [[http://redcap.org/|Projekt Redcap]] : A collection of links and such.
: [[http://www.durenmar.de/|Durenmar]] : A collection of various resources.

Version 2

Date: 2008-01-08 03:46:48 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment:

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ Tribunals ]] : The thirteen [[ Tribunals ]], the geographic regions that make up the [[ Order_of_Hermes | Order ]]

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ Tribunals ]] : The thirteen [[ Tribunals ]], the geographic regions that make up the [[ Order_of_Hermes | Order ]]

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]

Version 3

Date: 2008-01-10 12:35:43 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Deleted Tribunals as a major topic; added FAQ and Products

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions ]] :
: [[ Products ]] : Rule books and game supplements for Ars Magica


Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

: [[http://www.atlas-games.com/arm5/|Atlas Games]] : The publisher's web site.
: [[http://redcap.org/|Projekt Redcap]] : A collection of links and such.
: [[http://www.durenmar.de/|Durenmar]] : A collection of various resources.

Version 4

Date: 2008-01-10 17:04:19 GMT Author: pm Comment:

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions ]] :
: [[ Products ]] : Rule books and game supplements for Ars Magica

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

Forto additional [[Ars Magica]]-related reso, please refer to the [[External resources|list of external resources]]

Version 5

Date: 2008-01-10 17:28:03 GMT Author: pm Comment: Note/suggestion on moving content inserted.

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions ]] :
: [[ Products ]] : Rule books and game supplements for Ars Magica

'''Note:''' This section could be moved to page [[Overview]].

'''Note:''' This section could be moved to page [[Overview]].

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

For links to additional [[Ars Magica]]-related resources, please

Version 6

Date: 2008-03-15 15:46:21 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added abbreviation

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica (in short: [[ArM]]) is  short: [[ArM]]) is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions ]] :
: [[ Products ]] : Rule books and game supplements for Ars Magica

'''Note:''' This section could be moved to page [[Overview]].

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

For links to additional [[Ars Magica]]-related resources, please refer to the [[External resources|list of e

Version 7

Date: 2009-01-03 14:47:47 GMT Author: Mithriel Comment: 030109

= Communaut�

== Liste de diffusion

Le lien privil�gi� entre les fans fran�ais d'[[Ars Magica]] est la liste de diffusion '''ArMfr''' dont l'adresse suit.


== Forum

Le SDEN h�berge �galement un forum consacr� � [[Ars Magica]].


== Fanzine

'''Ars Mag''' est un fanzine en langue fran�aise consacr� uniquement � [[Ars Magica]]. Il est malheureusement en sommeil depuis plusieurs ann�es.


Version 8

Date: 2010-03-12 01:14:30 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Restored from accidental overwrite

= Synopsis (Kind of-)

Ars Magica (in short: [[ArM]]) is  short: [[ArM]]) is a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game|fantasy role-playing game]]. It is mostly about wizards who try to excel in the [[Arts|art of magic]], hence the name. Its setting is [[Mythic Europe]], a fictional equivalent of Europe in the early 13['th] century. Unlike the Europe we know, however, [[Mythic Europe]] is filled with even more peril and adventures than the historic equivalent was, bearing a notable touch of fantasy and myths.

= Major Topics

: [[ Mythic_Europe | Mythic Europe]] : The default fantasy setting for Ars Magica.
: [[ Order_of_Hermes | The Order of Hermes]] : The mystical organization to which wizards in Ars Magica belong, its history, politics, [[ Houses ]], and lore
: [[ FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions ]] :
: [[ Products ]] : Rule books and game supplements for Ars Magica

'''Note:''' This section could be moved to page [[Overview]].

= Development

Originally created by [[Jonathan Tweet]] and [[Mark Rein�Hagen]] back in the late 1980s, Ars Magica is currently available in its [[Fifth edition|fifth edition]].

= Additional Resources

For links to additional [[Ars Magica]]-related resources, please refer to the [[External resources|list of e