Legacy:Alternate settings sagas

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-06 09:54:20 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

The following [[Saga|saga]] websites are set in, or otherwise related to, in settings outside of [[Mythic Europe]]. Feel free to [[Contributing|add]] your own site to the list; please insert it in alphabetical order.

:[[http://www.panix.com/~nexus/rochehaut/|The Cisalpin Tribunal]]: Mythic Europe, with an alternate Tribunal division

:[[http://www.psi-13.com/eminton/giants/index.html|Giants in the Earth]]:

:[[http://www.bifrost.demon.co.uk/games/arsmagica/greyhawk/|Greyhawk]]: These pages describe crossover rules for Ars Magica and the World of Greyhawk. The World of Greyhawk is trademarked, copyrighted and what not else by TSR.

:[[http://knownworld.theennead.com/|The Known World]]:

:[[http://www.crashbox.com/rivenrock/|Rivenrock]]: A saga set in the world of H�rn.


:[[http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~leirbakk/rpg/arsmagica/arsmagica_index_e.html|Taneb's Tooth]]:

Version 2

Date: 2009-01-01 14:13:13 GMT Author: Yair Comment: I disocovered Shattered Realm; looks neat

The following [[Saga|saga]] websites are set in, or otherwise related to, in settings outside of [[Mythic Europe]]. Feel free to [[Contributing|add]] your own site to the list; please insert it in alphabetical order.

:[[http://www.panix.com/~nexus/rochehaut/|The Cisalpin Tribunal]]: Mythic Europe, with an alternate Tribunal division

:[[http://www.psi-13.com/eminton/giants/index.html|Giants in the Earth]]:

:[[http://www.bifrost.demon.co.uk/games/arsmagica/greyhawk/|Greyhawk]]: These pages describe crossover rules for Ars Magica and the World of Greyhawk. The World of Greyhawk is trademarked, copyrighted and what not else by TSR.

:[[http://knownworld.theennead.com/|The Known World]]:

:[[http://www.crashbox.com/rivenrock/|Rivenrock]]: A saga set in the world of H�rn.

: [[http://shatteredrealm.wikidot.com/|The Shattered Realm]]: A dark world where "[t]here is magic, yes, but also wars, plague, dark gods, crude knights, mad emperors and lots of commoners, who know nothing of the magical laws, and who, in fact, care only for the safety of their families and the crops that will sustain them through the cold winter."

:[[http://darmont.free.fr/arm/dot.com/|The Shattered Realm]]: A dark world where "[t]here is magic, yes, but also wars, plague, dark gods, crude knights, mad emperors a