
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-04-05 10:10:05 GMT Author: Yair Comment: a brief note

For aging as it relates to animals, see [[HoHMC]] 42.

Version 2

Date: 2008-07-08 12:49:28 GMT Author: pm Comment: Extended description

= Meaning

Strictly speaking, the effect of *Aging*, that is, the process of getting older, affects mortal beings as soon as they are born. However, in [[RAW]], the negative side effects of Aging do not become noticeable before the age of 35. This is when the bodies and minds of mortals slowly but steadily start deteriorating, a process that is expressed through Aging Points, and, eventually, via [[Decrepitude]].

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 168.
* For aging as it relates to animals, see [[HoHMC]] 42.

Version 3

Date: 2009-10-16 23:53:32 GMT Author: pm Comment: Links added.

= Synopsis

Strictly speaking, the effect of '''Aging''', that is, the process of getting older, affects mortal beings as soon as they are born. However, in [[RAW]], the negative side effects of Aging do not become noticeable before the age of 35. This is when the bodies and minds of mortals slowly but steadily start deteriorating, a process that is expressed through [[Aging Point]]s, and, eventually, via [[Decrepitude]].

= References

* [[ArM5]], p. 168.
* For aging as it relates to animals, see [[HoHMC]] 42.

= See also

* [[Aging Point]]s
* [[Decrepitude]]