Legacy:1000 caves

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2009-01-02 21:28:53 GMT Author: emptyhand Comment: Initial version

= 1000 Caves Covenant (c1235)

'''Symbol:'''  A labyrinth 
'''Season:''' Summer Founded: 1185 (50 years on) 

'''Members (9)'''
*Malincka Capcek (85): Bonisagus, founder and ideological leader.
*Nastasia Baromov (69): 'the Firebird': Bjornaer (Eagle Heartbeast), charismatic leader.
*Rehamchi Danichev (86): Volkhv. Ex Miscellenea.
*Pettya Danichev (65): Volkhv. Ex Miscellenea.
*Basyl Karrimichi (66): Merinita. Otto Rattstein (137): Bjornaer (Lynx Heartbeast). 
*Yakim ibn Rassur (74): Flambeau (from Great Bulgar), Nastasia's lover. 
*Narina Cheminov (60): Bjornaer (Horse Heartbeast).
*Krabava Amvrosii (53) Bjornaer (Bear Heartbeast)
*Obolen Sviatoslavna (27): Flambeau, Yakim�s former apprentice

'''Apprentices (4)'''
*Stennya Vassanovna (15) Voice of Hermes, Malincka�s apprentice
*Caska Milobratik (12): Pettya�s apprentice
*Ladota Onkudinov (12): Rehamchi�s apprentice
*Pravoi Pribyshinits (10): Narina�s apprentice 

Difficult access (minor boon) - sheltered mountain gorge beneath the Earth Crown
Difficult access (minor boon) � caves in the side of the gorge, only accessible by flying
Vivid environment (minor boon) � Earth Crown and surrounds a mystical site
Faerie aura (minor hook) - Slavic aura +6, equivalent to +3 magic

Indebted (minor hook) - 700GR in debt

Hunter gatherer society (free)
Strong community (minor boon)
Rights and Customs (minor hook)

'''External Relations'''
Local allies (minor boon) � friendly local villagers / tribes
Local allies (minor boon) � friendly faeries (to 1235)
Rival (major hook) � enemies of Pripet Maior (to 1235)

'''Enchanted items (30bp)'''
Cloak of feathers (MuCo as Cloak of Black Feathers, Sun, 2xday, trigger, lvl 34 effect)
2xFire Javelin (CrIg as Pilum of Fire, once use, lvl 20 effect)

'''Laboratories (40bp)'''
9 standard laboratories (free)
1 exception laboratory (Size +1, 2 minor virtues)

'''Laboratory texts (240bps)'''
1200 spell levels (specialist areas CrVi, InVi & MuVi)
Various wizards own spell texts

'''Library (560bp)'''
Summae: Lvl 5 Quality 12 in all 15 arts
Summae: Cr 8/8, In 9/8, Mu 7/7, An 8/7, Au 7/7, Co 6/8, Ig 9/8, Im 8/7, Me 8/8, Vi 9/9
Summae: MT 6/12, Pen 3/10, Parma 2/8
Tractatus: Cr (x3) 7,9&10 In 8 Mu 10
Tractatus: An (x2) 7&9 Au 10 Ig (x2) 8&11 Me 8 Vi (x3) 8,8 & 11
Summae: ML 6/10, FL 5/9, AL 4/10, Ph 3/11, CoH 3/10
Tractatus: ML (x2) 8&10, FL (x3) 9,9,10
Various others in personal collections notably Malinka�s non hermetic works on Volkhv

'''Grogs/Covenfolk/Specialists (210)'''
10 grogs (free)
15 additional grogs (average ability 5)
20 covenfolk (free)
145 additional covenfolk
10 specialists (average ability 4)
Total 200

'''Vis (370)'''
350 pawns stockpiled 
(An50, Aq40, Cr20, Co45, He40, Ig20, Te40, Vi35) + 10 in all others
60 pawns income (Cr4, An10, Aq8, Co10, He8, Ig 5, Te10, Vi5
Various personal stockpiles in hands of wizards and local Volkhv

Total 1450 pts (high)

Version 2

Date: 2009-01-02 21:30:29 GMT Author: emptyhand Comment:

= 1000 Caves Covenant (c1235)

'''Symbol:'''  A labyrinth 
'''Season:''' Summer Founded: 1185 (50 years on) 

'''Members (9)'''
*Malincka Capcek (85): Bonisagus, founder and ideological leader.
*Nastasia Baromov (69): 'the Firebird': Bjornaer (Eagle Heartbeast), charismatic leader.
*Rehamchi Danichev (86): Volkhv. Ex Miscellenea.
*Pettya Danichev (65): Volkhv. Ex Miscellenea.
*Basyl Karrimichi (66): Merinita. Otto Rattstein (137): Bjornaer (Lynx Heartbeast). 
*Yakim ibn Rassur (74): Flambeau (from Great Bulgar), Nastasia's lover. 
*Narina Cheminov (60): Bjornaer (Horse Heartbeast).
*Krabava Amvrosii (53) Bjornaer (Bear Heartbeast)
*Obolen Sviatoslavna (27): Flambeau, Yakim�s former apprentice

'''Apprentices (4)'''
*Stennya Vassanovna (15) Voice of Hermes, Malincka�s apprentice
*Caska Milobratik (12): Pettya�s apprentice
*Ladota Onkudinov (12): Rehamchi�s apprentice
*Pravoi Pribyshinits (10): Narina�s apprentice 

Difficult access (minor boon) - sheltered mountain gorge beneath the Earth Crown
Difficult access (minor boon) � caves in the side of the gorge, only accessible by flying
Vivid environment (minor boon) � Earth Crown and surrounds a mystical site
Faerie aura (minor hook) - Slavic aura +6, equivalent to +3 magic

Indebted (minor hook) - 700GR in debt

Hunter gatherer society (free)
Strong community (minor boon)
Rights and Customs (minor hook)

'''External Relations'''
Local allies (minor boon) � friendly local villagers / tribes
Local allies (minor boon) � friendly faeries (to 1235)
Rival (major hook) � enemies of Pripet Maior (to 1235)

'''Enchanted items (30bp)'''
Cloak of feathers (MuCo as Cloak of Black Feathers, Sun, 2xday, trigger, lvl 34 effect)
2xFire Javelin (CrIg as Pilum of Fire, once use, lvl 20 effect)

'''Laboratories (40bp)'''
9 standard laboratories (free)
1 exception laboratory (Size +1, 2 minor virtues)

'''Laboratory texts (240bps)'''
1200 spell levels (specialist areas CrVi, InVi & MuVi)
Various wizards own spell texts

'''Library (560bp)'''
Summae: Lvl 5 Quality 12 in all 15 arts
Summae: Cr 8/8, In 9/8, Mu 7/7, An 8/7, Au 7/7, Co 6/8, Ig 9/8, Im 8/7, Me 8/8, Vi 9/9
Summae: MT 6/12, Pen 3/10, Parma 2/8
Tractatus: Cr (x3) 7,9&10 In 8 Mu 10
Tractatus: An (x2) 7&9 Au 10 Ig (x2) 8&11 Me 8 Vi (x3) 8,8 & 11
Summae: ML 6/10, FL 5/9, AL 4/10, Ph 3/11, CoH 3/10
Tractatus: ML (x2) 8&10, FL (x3) 9,9,10
Various others in personal collections notably Malinka�s non hermetic works on Volkhv

'''Grogs/Covenfolk/Specialists (210)'''
10 grogs (free)
15 additional grogs (average ability 5)
20 covenfolk (free)
145 additional covenfolk
10 specialists (average ability 4)
Total 200

'''Vis (370)'''
350 pawns stockpiled 
(An50, Aq40, Cr20, Co45, He40, Ig20, Te40, Vi35) + 10 in all others
60 pawns income (Cr4, An10, Aq8, Co10, He8, Ig 5, Te10, Vi5
Various personal stockpiles in hands of wizards and local Volkhv

''''''Total 1450 pts (hi'''