Domus magna

From Project: Redcap

A domus magna (literally "great house") is the great covenant of the House, often the residence of the Primus and the traditional seat of power of its many affairs. Different Houses have different roles for their domus magna, according to the traditions of the House. Durenmar, for example, harbors the leaders of House Bonisagus and the Great Library in its domus magna, while Castra Solis is the site of its major Flambeau Tournament

Domus Magnae of the Houses

Domus Magnae of the Order of Hermes
House Domus Magna Tribunal
Bjornaer Crintera Rhine
Bonisagus Durenmar Rhine
Criamon Cave of Twisting Shadows Greater Alps
Ex Miscellanea Cad Gadu Stonehenge
Flambeau Castra Solis Provençal
Guernicus Magvillus Roman
Jerbiton Valnastium Greater Alps
Mercere Harco Roman
Merinita Irencillia Rhine
Tremere Coeris Transylvania
Tytalus Fudarus Normandy
Verditius disputed (see below)

Disputed Domus Magnae

What defines a domus magna is inexact, but generally understood. However, at least in the case of House Verditius, there is dispute as to whether its domus magna is in Verdi, the traditional location, or now located in the Theban Tribunal, as the current primus refuses to move from his covenant of Ingasia in the Theban Tribunal to Verdi.[1]


  1. Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, p. 112, "Current Concerns"

Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:domus_magna