Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Appendix II: Formulae Review

From Project: Redcap

Appendix II: Formulae Review

Chapter Six: Covenants

Art Summa Cost: Level + Quality
Art Summa Level Limit: 20
Art Summa Quality Limit: 11 + (20 – Level), or 22, whichever is lower
Ability Summa Cost: Quality + 3 x Level
Ability Summa Level Limit: 8
Ability Summa Quality Limit: 11 + 3 x (8 – level), or 22, whichever is lower
Tractatus Cost: Quality
Tractatus Quality Limit: 11
Lab Text Cost: 1 Build Point per five levels
Vis Sources Cost: 5 Build Points per pawn of vis per year
Vis Stocks Cost: 1 Build Point per 5 pawns of vis
Enchanted Item Cost: 2 Build Points per five levels of effect
Teacher Cost: Communication + Teaching + Highest Ability Score
Score (Teacher) Limit: By age (see page 31)
Specialist Cost: Highest Ability Score
Score (Specialist) Limit: By age (see page 31)

Chapter Seven: Hermetic Magic

Form Bonus: Form score/5 (rounded up)
Casting Score: Technique + Form + Stamina + Aura Modifier
Formulaic Casting Total: Casting Score + Die Roll
Ritual Casting Total: Casting Score + Artes Liberales + Philosophiae + Die Roll
Fatiguing Spontaneous Magic Casting Total: (Casting Score + Stress Die)/2
Non-fatiguing Spontaneous Magic Casting Total: Casting Score/5
Penetration Total: Casting Total + Penetration Bonus – Spell Level
Concentration Roll: Stamina + Concentration + Stress Die
Limit on Vis Use in Spellcasting: The maga's score in the Art of the vis
Vis Boost to Casting Score: +2 casting score per pawn
Vis Botch Dice: +1 botch die per pawn of vis used
Fast Casting Speed: Quickness + Finesse + Stress Die
Fast Cast Penalty: –10 to Casting Score
Fast Cast Botch Dice: +2 botch dice
Determining Form of Magical Effect: Perception + Awareness vs. 15 – effect magnitude
Ceremonial Casting Bonus: Add Artes Liberales and Philosophiae to Casting Score
Aiming Roll: Perception + Finesse + Die
Mastery Ability: Adds to casting score and subtracts from number of botch dice
Targeting: Penalty of one for every separate target, including the first
Twilight Avoidance: Stamina + Concentration + Vim Form Bonus + stress die vs. Warping Score + Number of Warping Points gained + Enigmatic Wisdom + local aura + stress die (no botch)
Twilight Comprehension: Intelligence + Enigmatic Wisdom + stress die vs. Warping Score + stress die
Botch Dice: 1 + 1 per Warping Point gained to trigger the Twilight
Twilight Time: Intelligence + stress die vs. Warping Score + stress die
Initiative Total: Quickness + Finesse + Stress Die
Attack Total: Presence + Technique or Form + Stress Die
Defense Total: Perception + Form or Technique + Stress Die
Attack Advantage: Attack Total – Defense Total (if Attack Total is higher)
Weakening Total: Intelligence + Penetration + Attack Advantage
Resistance Total: Stamina + Parma Magica

Chapter Eight: Laboratory

Lab Total: Technique + Form + Intelligence + Magic Theory + Aura Modifier
Vis Extraction: One tenth (round up) of Creo Vim Lab Total pawns of Vim vis
Vis Limit: Magic Theory x 2 pawns per season
Maximum Total Levels: Teacher’s highest applicable Lab Total
Maximum Levels in One Technique and Form: Teacher’s Lab Total in that Technique and Form
Highest Level of an Individual Spell: Student’s Lab Total in the Technique and Form of the Spell
Similar Spell Bonus: Magnitude of highest-level similar spell known
Longevity Ritual: +1 bonus for every five points or fraction of Creo Corpus Lab Total
Longevity Ritual Vis Cost: 1 pawn for every five years of age (rounded up)
Writing Laboratory Texts: Latin x 20 levels per season
Copying Laboratory Texts: Profession: Scribe x 60 levels per season
Familiar Bonding Lab Total: Any Technique + any Form + Intelligence + Magic Theory + Aura Modifier
Familiar Bonding Level: Familiar's Magic Might + 25 + (5 x Size)
Familiar Bonding Cost: 1 pawn of vis per five levels or fraction. Vis must match Technique or Form

Chapter Nine: Spells

Spell Magnitude: Level/5 (rounded up)
Spell Guidelines: Range: Personal; Duration: Momentary; Target: Individual
Intellego Spells: Not affected by Target size
Base Individual: Determined by Form
Base Part: Same as Individual
Base Group: Mass of ten standard Individuals
Base Room: Large enough for 100 standard Individuals
Base Structure: Ten base Rooms
Base Boundary: An area 100 paces in diameter
Increasing Size: Multiply size by ten for each magnitude added to the spell.
Requisite Necessary for Spell's Effect: +0 magnitudes
Requisite Enhances Spell's Effect: +1 magnitude or more
Added Effect Is Purely Cosmetic: No requisite

Chapter Ten: Long-Term Events

Increase an Ability by One: (Ability + 1) x 5 experience points
Increase an Art by One: Art + 1 experience points
Advancement Total: Source Quality + Bonus from Virtues – Penalty from Flaws
Exposure Source Quality: Two
Adventure Source Quality: 5–10
Practice Source Quality: 3–8, usually 4
Training Source Quality: Master’s score in Ability being taught + 3
Training Gain Limit: Master’s score in Ability being taught
Teaching Source Quality: Teacher’s Communication + Teaching + 3 + bonus
Teaching Gain Limit: The teacher’s score in the Art or Ability
Summa Statistics: Source Quality and Level
Summa Gain Limit: Summa Level
Tractatus Statistics: Source Quality
Vis Source Quality: Stress Die + Aura Bonus
Summa Source Quality: Author’s Communication + 6 + bonus
Summa Gain Limit: Level of summa
Tractatus Source Quality: Author’s Communication + 6
Copying Carefully: 1 tractatus per season, or 6 + Profession (Scribe) points towards a summa
Copying Quickly: Three times as fast as careful copying, copy Source Quality is 1 lower than copied book
Supernatural Ability Source Quality: Normal Source Quality – Total Score in Supernatural Abilities
Aging Total: Stress die (no botch) + age/10 (round up) – Living Conditions modifier – Longevity Ritual modifier
Crisis Total: Simple die + age/10 (round up) + Decrepitude Points

Chapter Eleven: Obstacles

Initiative Total: Quickness + Weapon Initiative Modifier – Encumbrance + Stress Die
Attack Total: Dexterity + Combat Ability + Weapon Attack Modifier + Stress Die
Defense Total: Quickness + Combat Ability + Weapon Defense Modifier + Stress Die
Damage Total: Strength + Weapon Damage Modifier + Attack Advantage
Soak Total: Stamina + Armor Soak Bonus
Attack Advantage: Attacker’s Attack Total – Defender’s Defense Total
Recovery Total: Stamina + Medic’s Chirurgy or Medicine score + Magical Aid + Stress Die
Non-Combat Damage Total: Damage Bonus + Stress Die
Non-Combat Soak Total: Soak Total + Stress Die

Chapter Twelve: Realms

Creature Magic Resistance: Might Score
Creature Penetration: Might Score – (5 x Might Points spent on power) + Penetration Bonus
Character Penetration: Effect Roll – Ease Factor + Penetration Bonus
Regio Sight Roll: Perception + Appropriate Ability + Stress Die
Ease Factor: 5 + (2 x difference between current level’s aura and sought level’s aura)

Chapter Thirteen: Bestiary

Creature Magic Resistance: Might
Creature Power Penetration: Might Score – (5 x Might Point cost of the power) + Penetration
Creature Power Level for Dispelling: Creature’s Might


Based on the material for Ars Magica, ©1993-2024, licensed by Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games®, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license 4.0 ("CC-BY-SA 4.0). Ars Magica Open License Logo ©2024 Trident, Inc. The Ars Magica Open License Logo, Ars Magica, and Mythic Europe are trademarks of Trident, Inc., and are used with permission. Order of Hermes, Tremere, Doissetep, and Grimgroth are trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB and are used with permission.