Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Appendix III: Spells Index

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Appendix III: Spells Index


Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi Gen)
Agony of the Beast (PeAn 15)
Air's Ghostly Form (CrAu 5)
Arc of Fiery Ribbons (CrIg 25)
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10)
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20)
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse (ReCo 25)


Ball of Abysmal Flame (CrIg 35)
Bane of the Decrepit Body (PeCo 25)
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20)
Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15)
Beast Remade, The (MuAn 25)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10)
Black Whisper (PeMe 40)
Blade of the Virulent Flame (CrIg 15)
Blessing of Childlike Bliss (PeMe 25)
Blunt the Viper's Fangs (PeAn 15)
Bountiful Feast, The (CrHe 35)
Break the Oncoming Wave (ReAq 10)
Breath of the Open Sky (CrAu 40)
Breath of Winter (ReAq 15)
Bridge of Frost (ReAq 30)
Bridge of Wood (CrHe 20)
Broom of the Winds (CrAu 15)
Burst of the Sweeping Flames (ReIg 25)


Call of the Rushing Waters (InAq 15)
Call to Slumber, The (ReMe 10)
Calling the Council of the Trees (ReHe 45)
Calling the Odious Drought (PeAq 50)
Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15)
Captive Voice, The (ReIm 25)
Cascade of Rocks (PeTe 40)
Chamber of Invisibility (PeIm 25)
Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu 5)
Chaos of the Angry Waves (ReAq 30)
Charge of the Angry Winds (CrAu 15)
Charm Against Putrefaction (CrCo 10)
Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch, The (CrCo 20)
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5)
Circle of Encompassing Flames (CrIg 35)
Circling Winds of Protection (CrAu 20)
Circular Ward Against Demons (ReVi Gen)
Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 5)
Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart (PeCo 40)
Cloak of Black Feathers (MuCo 30)
Cloak of Mist (MuCo 40)
Cloak of the Duck's Feathers (ReAq 5)
Closing the Earth's Gate (PeAq 25)
Cloudless Sky, The (Returned)
Clouds of Rain and Thunder (CrAu 25)
Clouds of Summer Snow (CrAu 25)
Clouds of Thunderous Might (ReAu 30)
Coat of Flame (CrIg 25)
Coerce the Spirits of the Night (ReMe 20)
Coils of the Entangling Plants (ReHe 20)
Comfort of the Drenched Traveler (PeAq 5)
Commanding the Harnessed Beast (ReAn 30)
Confusion of the Insane Vibrations (ReIm 30)
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15)
Conjuration of the Indubitable Cold (PeIg 25)
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5)
Conjuring the Mystic Tower (CrTe 35)
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25)
Creeping Chasm (ReTe 35)
Creeping Oil (CrAq 15)
Crest of the Earth Wave (ReTe 20)
Cripple the Howling Wolf (PeAn 25)
Crystal Dart, The (MuTe 10)
Curse of Circe (MuCo 30)
Curse of the Desert (PeAq 25)
Curse of the Haunted Forest (MuHe 55)
Curse of the Leprous Flesh (PeCo 25)
Curse of the Ravenous Swarm (CrAn 45)
Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5)
Curse of the Unportended Plague (PeCo 55)
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5)


Dance of the Staves (ReHe 5)
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10)
Deluge of Rushing and Dashing (CrAq 40)
Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi Gen)
Despair of the Quivering Manacles (ReCo 15)
Discern Own Illusions (InIm 15)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood (InIm Gen)
Disenchant (PeVi Gen)
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15)
Disguise of the Putrid Aroma (ReAn 5)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15)
Dispel the Phantom Image (PeIm Gen)
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15)
Dust to Dust (PeCo 15)


Ear for Distant Voices, The (InIm 20)
Earth Shock (ReTe 30)
Earth Split Asunder, The (ReTe 30)
Earth that Breaks No More (MuTe 20)
Earth's Carbuncle, The (ReTe 15)
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20)
Enchantment of Detachment (PeMe 15)
Enchantment of the Scrying Pool (InAq 30)
End of the Mighty Castle (PeTe 25)
Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15)
Enigma's Gift, The (CrVi 30)
Enslave the Mortal Mind (ReMe 40)
Exchange of the Two Minds (ReMe 55)
Eye of the Sage, The (InCo 30)
Eyes of the Bat (InAu 25)
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo 5)
Eyes of the Eagle (InIm 25)
Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10)
Eyes of the Flame (InIg 35)
Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain (InTe 15)


Falcon's Hood, The (PeAn 25)
Fist of Shattering (PeTe 10)
Flames of Sculpted Ice (MuIg 35)
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15)
Fog of Confusion (MuAu 45)
Footsteps of Slippery Oil (CrAq 5)
Forgiving Earth, The (ReTe 20)
Freeing the Striding Tree (ReHe 30)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20)


Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15)
Gathering of the Stormy Might (ReAu 40)
Gentle Beast, The (ReAn 25)
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20)
Gift of Reason (CrMe 35)
Gift of the Bear's Fortitude (MuCo 25)
Gift of the Frog's Legs (ReCo 15)
Gift of Vigor, The (ReCo 20)
Gloom of Evening (PeIg 10)
Great Rot, The (PeHe 25)
Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 25)
Growth of the Creeping Things (MuAn 15)


Hands of the Grasping Earth (ReTe 15)
Haunt of the Living Ghost (CrIm 35)
Heat of the Searing Forge (CrIg 10)
Hermes' Portal (ReTe 75)
Hornet Fire (MuIg 10)
Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5)
Hunter's Sense (InAn 30)


Ice of Drowning (ReAq 35)
Illusion of Cool Flames (PeIm 10)
Illusion of the Misplaced Castle (ReIm 50)
Illusion of the Shifted Image (ReIm 10)
Image from the Wizard Torn (ReIm 30)
Image of the Beast (InAn 5)
Image Phantom (MuIm 20)
Incantation of Lightning, The (CrAu 35)
Incantation of Putrid Wine (MuAq 15)
Incantation of Summoning the Dead (ReMe 40)
Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo 40)
Incantation of the Milky Eyes (PeCo 30)
Inexorable Search, The (InCo 20)
Infernal Smoke of Death (MuAu 40)
Inmost Companion (MuMe 40)
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10)
Invisibility of the Standing Wizard (PeIm 15)
Invisible Eye Revealed, The (InVi Gen)
Invocation of Weariness (PeCo 20)


Jupiter's Resounding Blow (CrAu 10)


Kiss of Death, The (PeCo 45)


Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10)
Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (PeMe Gen)
Leap of Homecoming, The (ReCo 35)
Leap of the Fire (ReIg 10)
Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15)
Light Shaft of the Night (ReIg 20)
Lord of the Trees (ReHe 25)
Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15)
Lungs of the Fish (MuAq 20)


Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi Gen)
Many-Hued Conflagration, The (MuIg 5)
Masking the Odor of Magic (PeVi Gen)
Mastering the Unruly Beast (ReAn 25)
Memory of the Distant Dream (CrMe 20)
Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 20)
Mind of the Beast (MuMe 30)
Miner's Keen Eye, The (InTe 20)
Mirror of Opposition (Form))
Mists of Change (MuCo 60)
Moonbeam (CrIg 3)


Neptune's Wrath (ReAq 40)
Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10)


Object of Increased Size (MuTe 15)
Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier (PeTe 20)
Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi Gen)
Opening the Tome of the Animal's Mind (InAn 25)


Pains of the Perpetual Worry (CrMe 20)
Palm of Flame (CrIg 5)
Panic of the Elephant's Mouse (ReAn 15)
Panic of the Trembling Heart (CrMe 15)
Parching Wind (PeAq 20)
Parting the Waves (ReAq 30)
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5)
Passion's Lost Feeling (PeMe 25)
Past of Another (MuMe 35)
Peering into the Mortal Mind (InMe 30)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15)
Phantasm of the Human Form (CrIm 25)
Phantasm of the Talking Head (CrIm 10)
Phantasmal Animal (CrIm 20)
Phantasmal Fire (CrIm 20)
Phantom Gift, The (CrVi 15)
Physician's Eye (InCo 5)
Piercing Shaft of Wood (MuHe 10)
Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20)
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20)
Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe 15)
Plant's Withering Bane (PeHe 20)
Poisoning the Will (PeMe 60)
Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20)
Preternatural Growth and Shrinking (MuCo 15)
Prison of Flames (MuIg 20)
Probe for Pure Silver (InTe 4)
Probe Nature's Hidden Lore (InHe 4)
Prying Eyes (InIm 5)
Pull of the Skybound Winds (CrAu 30)
Pull of the Watery Grave (ReAq 35)
Purification of the Festering Wounds (CrCo 20)
Push of the Gentle Wave (ReAq 15)


Quiet the Raging Winds (PeAu 20)


Rain of Oil (MuAu 50)
Rain of Stones (MuAu 20)
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe 4)
Removal of the Conspicuous Sigil (PeIm 20)
Repel the Wooden Shafts (ReHe 10)
Restoration of the Defiled Body (CrCo 25)
Restore the Moved Image (ReIm Gen)
Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh (InCo 10)
Ring of Warding Against Spirits (ReMe Gen)
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10)
Rising Ire (CrMe 15)
Rock of Viscid Clay (MuTe 15)
Room of Stale Air (PeAu 15)
Rope of Bronze (MuHe 15)
Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 10)


Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow (InAu 20)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5)
Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 20)
Seal the Earth (CrTe 15)
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2)
Sense of the Lingering Magic (InVi 30)
Sense the Feet that Tread the Earth (InTe 30)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5)
Seven-League Stride (ReCo 30)
Severed Limb Made Whole, The (CrCo 25)
Shadow of Human Life, The (CrIm 40)
Shadow of Life Renewed, The (CrCo 75)
Shadows of the Fires Past (InIg 15)
Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCo 25)
Shell of False Determinations (CrVi Gen)
Shell of Opaque Mysteries (CrVi Gen)
Shiver of the Lycanthrope (InAn 10)
Show of the Flames and Smoke (MuIg 10)
Shriek of the Impending Shafts (InHe 15)
Shroud Magic (MuVi Gen)
Shrouded Glen, The (ReMe 40)
Sight of the Active Magics (InVi 40)
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10)
Sight of the True Form (InCo Gen)
Silence of the Smothered Sound (PeIm 20)
Silent Vigil, The (MuCo 45)
Snap of Awakening (ReMe 10)
Soothe Pains of the Beast (CrAn 20)
Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10)
Soothe the Raging Flames (PeIg 20)
Sorcerer's Fork, The (MuVi Gen)
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5)
Stance of the Patient Tree (MuCo 35)
Steed of Vengeance (MuAn 35)
Stench of the Twenty Corpses (CrAu 10)
Stir the Slumbering Tree (MuHe 25)
Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits (InTe 30)
Stone to Falling Dust (PeTe 20)
Strike of the Angered Branch (ReHe 15)
Strings of the Unwilling Marionette (ReCo 25)
Subtle Taste of Poison and Purity (InAq 5)
Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25)
Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10)
Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi Gen)


Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5)
Talons of the Winds (MuAu 20)
Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe 15)
Taste of the Dulled Tongue (PeIm 5)
Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5)
Teeth of the Earth Mother (MuTe 35)
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron (MuHe 20)
Thoughts Within Babble (InMe 25)
Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5)
Touch of Midas (CrTe 20)
Touch of the Goose Feather (PeCo 5)
Touch of the Pearls (InAq 5)
Tower of Whirling Water (ReAq 35)
Trackless Step (ReTe 10)
Tracks of the Faerie Glow (InTe 25)
Transform to Water (MuCo 40)
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid Toad (MuAn 25)
Transformation of theThorny Staff (MuHe 10)
Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15)
Trapping the Fire (MuIg 25)
Treacherous Spear, The (ReHe 25)
Treading the Ashen Path (PeHe 30)
Tremulous Vault of the Torch's Flame (ReIg 5)
True Rest of the Injured Brute (CrAn 20)
True Sight of the Air (InAu 15)
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10)
Twist of the Tongue (PeCo 30)
Twist the Living Tree (ReHe 25)


Unravelling the Fabric of Form) (PeVi Gen)
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5)
Unseen Porter, The (ReTe 10)
Unyielding Earth (ReTe 20)


Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20)
Vile Water of Sterility (MuAq 45)
Viper's Gaze (ReAn 15)
Vision of Heat's Light (InIg 20)
Vision of the Haunting Spirits (MuMe 40)
Visions of the Infernal Terrors (ReMe 30)
Voice of the Lake (InAq 25)


Walking Corpse, The (ReCo 35)
Wall of Living Wood (CrHe 25)
Wall of Protecting Stone (CrTe 25)
Wall of Thorns (CrHe 20)
Ward Against Faeries of the Air (ReAu Gen)
Ward Against Faeries of the Mountain (ReTe Gen)
Ward Against Faeries of the Waters (ReAq Gen)
Ward Against Faeries of the Wood (ReHe Gen)
Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25)
Ward Against Rain (ReAu 10)
Ward Against the Beasts of Legend (ReAn Gen)
Ward Against Wood (ReHe 25)
Watching Ward (ReVi Gen)
Waves of Drowning and Smashing (ReAq 30)
Weaver's Trap of Webs (CrAn 35)
Weight of a Thousand Hells (CrMe 25)
Well Without Light (PeIg 25)
Whispering Winds (InAu 15)
Whispers Through the Black Gate (InCo 15)
Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10)
Wind at the Back (ReAu 5)
Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi Gen)
Wings of the Soaring Wind (CrAu 30)
Winter's Icy Touch (PeIg 10)
Wizard's Autumn (PeHe 15)
Wizard's Boost (Form))
Wizard's Communion (MuVi Gen)
Wizard's Eclipse (PeIg 35)
Wizard's Icy Grip (PeIg 30)
Wizard's Mount, The (CrAn 35)
Wizard's Reach (Form))
Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10)
Words of the Flickering Flame (InIg 35)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10)
Wound that Weeps, The (PeCo 15)
Wrath of Whirling Winds and Water (CrAu 65)
Wreaths of Foul Smoke (CrAu 10)