Hermetic Magic

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Hermetic Magic is the magical tradition practiced by the Order of Hermes, in accordance with the universal theory of magic invented by Bonisagus and perfected over the centuries by his descendants. Practitioners of Hermetic magic are called magi.


Hermetic magic is by far the most comprehensive and flexible tradition of magic practiced in Mythic Europe. That is not to say that it is the only kind. There exist many other different kinds of magic, collectively referred to as non-Hermetic. Magi also use the derogatory term, "hedge magic" to refer to these lesser-known traditions of magic.

Hermetic magic draws its power from the Magic Realm, but wizards who use it are mortals. They have magical powers, but are not magical creatures and do not have a Might Score.

The basic elements of Hermetic magic are as follows:

  • Magical effects are classified according to the #Hermetic Arts.
  • Each Art is to a large extent independent of the others so magi can focus their studies on a particular kind of magic if they wish
  • Due to its formal theory, Hermetic magic is relatively easy to lean and can be studied from books
  • Hermetic Magic includes both the ability to cast spells and the ability to enchant items in the laboratory
  • Hermetic magic includes a powerful form of Magic Resistance called Parma Magica, which magi use to defend themselves from one another and from supernatural beings such as dragons and demons

Things Hermetic Magic Can Do

The great advantage of Hermetic Magic is its flexibility. A magus can:

Things Hermetic Magic Can't Do

There are few things, such as bringing back the dead, that Hermetic Magic simply cannot do. These are called the Limits of Magic.

There are other things, such as casting a huge spell that affects a whole country, that no magus has ever done, but should theoretically be possible. Such achievements may be realized through original research.


Magic is governed by certain fundamental Laws of Magic and is subject to the intrinsic Limits of Magic. These laws and limits, as well as other general principles of magic, are the theoretical basis of Magic Theory.

The pure theory of magic is somewhat separate from practical skill in particular kinds of magic; the latter is represented by the Arts. Pure Magic Theory is an Arcane Ability and is used primarily in the Laboratory.


The Arcane Arts

Hermetic magic divides all possible magic into 15 categories called the Hermetic Arts (or simply Arts). The Arts are further sub-divided into 5 Techniques and 10 Forms. These Techniques and Forms may be combined in any way to create an infinite variety of spells and other magical effects.

Magi devote much of their time to studying and practicing these Arts. Magus characters have a set of "Art scores" that indicate their mastery of each Art individually. The Art score represents a combination of knowledge, experience, and practical skill.

Learning Hermetic Magic

Hermetic magic is often transmitted by books on the relevant Arts or Abilities, or Laboratory Texts describing the invention of particular spells or effects. Teaching in person is vital for Opening the Arts of an apprentice, and transmission by Teaching or Training is certainly undertaken in other circumstances as well.

Abilites Affecting Hermetic Magic

Hermetic magic is mostly represented in game mechanics terms by the Arts, but there are also Abilities that govern some aspects of magical skill. These are called Arcane Abilities: they include Finesse, Penetration, and (Hermetic) Magic Theory.

Hermetic magic also occasionally uses Artes Liberales and Philosophiae in casting spells.

Certain mundane skills, such as Concentration, are also used. Magi also usually communicate in Latin [see AM 29 for conducting Hermetic magic in other languages], and often have some experience in Profession Scribe.

Magical Options

One of the great advantage of Hermetic magic is its flexibility. Magi have many options in exactly how they apply their mastery of the Arts to create magical effects.

Options for Spells

Magi can cast Formulaic, Spontanous, and Ritual spells. They may also cast a spontanous spell using Ceremonial Casting, and may practice a spell to acquire Spell Mastery and in so doing gain further options in casting the spell. They may opt to use Forceless Casting, or change the levels of their Words and Gestures. They can use Arcane Connections, and may engage in certain astrological calculations and use Sympathetic Connections. They can also attempt to control their Flourish.

Options for the Laboratory

Most Hermetic magical techniques are employed in the laboratory. These include making Enchanted items, inventing new spells, binding a Familiar, making a Longevity Ritual, extracting raw vis, investigating an enchanted item, transferring raw vis, stabilizing a temporary arcane connection, and attuning a Talisman. Most of these procedures also allow for Arcane Experimentation.

Magi may use Raw Vis. They can study an Art from it, use it to cast Ritual spells, employ it to bolster their spell-casting, or use it in the laboratory.

Hermetic Magic also allows all magi to attempt Original Research] or the integration of Ancient Magic or hedge magic.

Extension to Hermetic Magic

Note that some magi may wield non-Hermetic or partially-Hermetic techniques in addition to pure Hermetic magic. They might learn such magic through membership in a Mystery Cult or House Ex Miscellanea, or from other sources (such as Ancient Magic). Indeed, there are magi who devote much of their careers to finding and mastering non-Hermetic magic: they are called Seekers.

Some developments in Hermetic magic can be learned and used by all magi, but are not fully explained or understood by Hermetic Magic Theory. A prime example is the Aegis of the Hearth spell, which goes beyond the standard (old) theory but which any magus can re-invent. Such partially-understood magic can be learned by rote, but cannot usually be modified or applied in new ways.

Principles from Mysteries

Hermetic magic can utilize some magical techniques from non-Hermetic Mysteries without fully embracing them.

All magi can learn and cast Potent spells, although only those with the Potent Magic virtue can create them.

Magi can likewise cast Theurgic invocations, although only magi with Hermetic Theurgy can invent new ones.


History of Hermetic Magic

Hermetic Theory, together with Parma Magica, made the Order of Hermes possible.

Hermetic Magic was invented by Bonisagus the Founder over a period of about ten years, from AD 720 to 730. He worked from an extensive collection of pre-Hermetic magical texts, including tomes and scrolls from ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Persia. Most of this work Bonisagus did alone, but toward the end of his research he was joined by Trianoma and her sister Viea.

Bonisagus's theory identified and consolidated common elements from many different magical traditions. It was could be taught to nearly anyone who had The Gift and could be conveniently written in Books, making it possible to share and build upon the foundation Bonisagus built. Eventually Bonisagus taught his magic to other leading magicians of his age: these became the twelve Founders of the Houses of Hermes. Bonisagus and the Founders formed the first covenant at Durenmar (in the Black Forest of what is now the Rhine Tribunal), where each Founder contributed his or her own magical knowledge to help complete the theory.

Some of the Founders' contributions are explicitly documented in canon. For example, Verditius the Founder helped integrate enchanted devices into Hermetic magic, and Merinita the Founder taught Bonisagus how to bond a Familiar.

Since the time the Founders completed Heremetic Theory, there have been only a handful of changes to it. These are called Hermetic breakthroughs and they occur less than once in every generation of magi. One significant breakthrough was the invention of the spell, Aegis of the Hearth. Members of House Bonisagus (as well as other magi) continue to work toward the next possible breakthrough, with much emphasis placed on breaking or working around the Limits of Magic.


Legacy Page

The history of this page before August 6, 2010 is archived at Legacy:hermetic_magic