Legacy:Realms of power

From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-05-24 13:01:58 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version

There are four [[Realms of Power]] influencing [[Mythic Europe]]: the [[Divine Realm]], the [[Magic Realm]], the [[Infernal Realm]], and the [[Faerie Realm]]. Each supernatural power or creature is associated with one of Realm, and is stronger in places where the Realm is powerful - locales with a supernatural [[Aura]] of that Realm.

See [[Mythic Europe]] for a brief overview of the four Realms, or follow the above links for a more in-depth look into each one.

===See Also

* The series of books "Realms of Power: X", each detailing one realm of power. Current titles include [[Realms of Power: The Divine]], [[Realms of Power: The Infernal]], and the upcoming [[Realms of Power: Magic]]. [[Realms of Power: Fearie]] is expected to see print in 2009.

Version 2

Date: 2009-06-17 18:54:09 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Fixed typos in links

There are four [[Realms of Power]] influencing [[Mythic Europe]]: the [[Divine Realm]], the [[Magic Realm]], the [[Infernal Realm]], and the [[Faerie Realm]]. Each supernatural power or creature is associated with one of Realm, and is stronger in places where the Realm is powerful - locales with a supernatural [[Aura]] of that Realm.

See [[Mythic Europe]] for a brief overview of the four Realms, or follow the above links for a more in-depth look into each one.

===See Also

* The series of books "Realms of Power: X", each detailing one realm of power. Current titles include [[Realms of Power: The Divine]], [[Realms of Power Infernal | Realms of Power: tfernal | Realms of Power: the Infernal]], and the upcoming [[Realms of Power: Maaec]]. [[Realms of Power: Faerie]] is exp

Version 3

Date: 2009-06-17 18:54:48 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Updated to reflect released RoP books

There are four [[Realms of Power]] influencing [[Mythic Europe]]: the [[Divine Realm]], the [[Magic Realm]], the [[Infernal Realm]], and the [[Faerie Realm]]. Each supernatural power or creature is associated with one of Realm, and is stronger in places where the Realm is powerful - locales with a supernatural [[Aura]] of that Realm.

See [[Mythic Europe]] for a brief overview of the four Realms, or follow the above links for a more in-depth look into each one.

===See Also

* The series of books "Realms of Power: X", each detailing one realm of power. Current titles include [[Realms of Power: The Divine]], [[Realms of Power Infernal | Realms of Power: the Infernal]], : Magic]], and [[Realms of, and ower: Faerie]].

Version 4

Date: 2010-07-14 10:57:08 GMT Author: Yair Comment: spelling

There are four [[Realms of Power]] influencing [[Mythic Europe]]: the [[Divine Realm]], the [[Magic Realm]], the [[Infernal Realm]], and the [[Faerie Realm]]. Each supernatural power or creature is associated with one Realm, and is stronger in places where the Realm is powerful - locales with a supernatural [[Aura]] of that Realm.

See [[Mythic Europe]] for a brief overview of the four Realms, or follow the above links for a more in-depth discussion of each one.

===See Also

* The series of books "Realms of Power: X", each detailing one realm of power. Current titles include [[Realms of Power: The Divine]], [[Realms of Power Infernal | Realms of Power: the Infernal]], [[Realms of Power: Magic]], and [[Realms of Power: Faerie]].