
From Project: Redcap

Version 1

Date: 2008-01-12 14:01:32 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Initial version

A covenant is a group of allied [[magi]].  The word "covenant" refers to the oath of cooperation and/or brotherhood they take together, but also (more commonly) to the group itself.  In most covenants, the magi live together and share a magical library.  Most covenants also have guards (called [[Grog|grogs]]) and servants ([[Convenfolk|covenfolk]]).

The covenant plays an important role in most [[Saga|sagas]], providing not only a setting for story events but also a common interest for all the magi.  It can become a kind of central character in itself: one that outlives any individual [[Player character|player character]].

= References ([[Fifth edition]])

* [[ArM5]], 13
* [[ArM5]], Chapter 6: 68-74
* The Fifth edition supplement, [[Covenants_book|Covenants]]

Version 2

Date: 2008-03-16 14:05:44 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Re-named Covenants page

A covenant is a group of allied [[magi]].  The word "covenant" refers to the oath of cooperation and/or brotherhood they take together, but also (more commonly) to the group itself.  In most covenants, the magi live together and share a magical library.  Most covenants also have guards (called [[Grog|grogs]]) and servants ([[Convenfolk|covenfolk]]).

The covenant plays an important role in most [[Saga|sagas]], providing not only a setting for story events but also a common interest for all the magi.  It can become a kind of central character in itself: one that outlives any individual [[Player character|player character]].

= References ([[Fifth edition]])

* [[ArM5]], 13
* [[ArM5]], Chapter 6: 68-74
* The Fifth edition supplement, [[Covenants

Version 3

Date: 2008-03-16 14:16:21 GMT Author: AndrewGronosky Comment: Added season

A covenant is a group of allied [[magi]].  The word "covenant" refers to the oath of cooperation and/or brotherhood they take together, but also (more commonly) to the group itself.  In most covenants, the magi live together and share a magical library.  Most covenants also have guards (called [[Grog|grogs]]) and servants ([[Convenfolk|covenfolk]]).

The covenant plays an important role in most [[Saga|sagas]], providing not only a setting for story events but also a common interest for all the magi.  It can become a kind of central character in itself: one that outlives any individual [[Player character|player character]].

Like characters, covenants can progress (or deteriorate) over the course of a [[Saga]].  Ars Magica uses the metaphor of [[Season | seasons]] to describe a covenant's development.

Like characters, covenants can progress (or deteriorate) over the course of a [[Saga]].  Ars Magica uses the metaphor of [[