Ars Magica Open Content Conversion Style Guide

From Project: Redcap

The hope is that this page will contain consensus style guidelines for conversion text.

Please use the Discussion page to participate.

In order to link from one page to another, particularly across different books, not just the spelling but also the capitalization and characters must be identical.

  1. Please make sure apostrophes (’), single quotes, and double quotes (“ ”) are all converted to simple ASCII characters (') and (") rather than "smart quotes" or other characters.
  2. Please make sure that all section headers or subtitles or any other text is not in all caps or small caps, change to normal title case. Spell and Forumulae names
  3. Italics in the original text original text should be done with wiki markup and not an italic font.

Spell names when used in normal text should be italicized.

The title of published volumes should be italicized, but references to the game itself should be bolded. (Ars Magica 5th Ed.)