Legacy:Transylvanian tribunal
Version 1
Date: 2008-03-25 10:31:49 GMT Author: Yair Comment: Initial version
The '''Transylvanian Tribunal''' is the [[Regional Tribunal]] that includes modern-day Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the other Balkan states south up to Albenia, Macedonia, and northern Bulgaria. == Fifth Edition The tribunal is described to some extent in [[HoHTL]] 116, 114. == Hermetic Landscape The canonic Transylvanian Tribunal has a small Hermetic presence, dominated by [[House Tremere]] but also including nearly half as many non-House magi. See [[HoH]] 116. Only one covenant, [[Coeris]], is described - but other large and small Tremere covenatns are alluded to. For non-Canonic covenants, see [[Transylvanian Sagas]]. == Other References * [[??]]
Version 2
Date: 2008-03-25 15:55:57 GMT Author: Yair Comment: orientation map added
The '''Transylvanian Tribunal''' is the [[Regional Tribunal]] that includes modern-day Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the other Balkan states south up to Albenia, Macedonia, and northern Bulgaria. [preview:TransylvanianTribunalOrientation.jpg] preview:TransylvanianTribunalOrientation.jpg] == Fifth Edition The tribunal is described to some extent in [[HoHTL]] 116, 114. == Hermetic Landscape The canonic Transylvanian Tribunal has a small Hermetic presence, dominated by [[House Tremere]] but also including nearly half as many non-House magi. See [[HoH]] 116. Only one covenant, [[Coeris]], is described - but other large and small Tremere covenatns are alluded to. For non-Canonic covenants, see [[Transy
Version 3
Date: 2008-03-25 17:23:40 GMT Author: Yair Comment: link correction
The '''Transylvanian Tribunal''' is the [[Regional Tribunal]] that includes modern-day Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the other Balkan states south up to Albenia, Macedonia, and northern Bulgaria. [preview:TransylvanianTribunalOrientation.jpg] == Fifth Edition The tribunal is described to some extent in [[HoHTL]] 116, 114. == Hermetic Landscape The canonic Transylvanian Tribunal has a small Hermetic presence, dominated by [[House Tremere]] but also including nearly half as many non-House magi. See [[HoHTLTL]] 116. Only one covenant, [[Coeris]], is described - but other large and small Tremere covenatns are alluded to. For non-Canonic covenants, see [[Transylvanian Sagas]]. == Other References * [[??
Version 4
Date: 2009-02-18 12:40:53 GMT Author: Yair Comment: added Lycaneum
The '''Transylvanian Tribunal''' is the [[Regional Tribunal]] that includes modern-day Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the other Balkan states south up to Albenia, Macedonia, and northern Bulgaria. [preview:TransylvanianTribunalOrientation.jpg] == Fifth Edition The tribunal is described to some extent in [[HoHTL]] 116, 114. == Hermetic Landscape The canonic Transylvanian Tribunal has a small Hermetic presence, dominated by [[House Tremere]] but also including nearly half as many non-House magi. See [[HoHTL]] 116. Only one covenant, [[Coeris]], is described - but other large and small Tremere covenants are alluded to. These include Lycaneun, the House's source of amber.These include Lycaneun, the House's source of amber. For non-Canonic covenants, see [[T