From Project: Redcap
Revision as of 00:17, 15 June 2013 by IMHO (talk | contribs) (→‎MY use of others' copyrights: FIxed typo/caps.)
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I'm a new contributor looking to add information that helps readers to reference information regarding game rules, setting, and historical information without infringing on any copyright holders, and hopefully doing so in such a way as to encourage purchase of the material made available by Atlas. I will be adding commentary on any of the above as well.

Copyright of my contributions

This section explains where I do and do not claim copyright in my contributions, my recognition of the affect of publishing here on works I do claim copyright over, and my good faith basis, intent, and understanding in any material that may be the subject matter of copyright held by others.

Contributions I don't claim copyright over

With regard to any contributions that I make without placing it under a heading of my user name or linking to my this section of my page, consider the contribution wholly to the site. Usually this is for a page in general where I make minor changes or additions along with everyone else.

Contributions I do claim copyright over

However, if a contribution falls under a section or subsection with my username Inquisitive, including all subsections under that in the hierarchy (check the edit pages for which sections have MORE equal signs on either side), or the same sections and subsections fall under a link to this page, that is notice that I do claim copyright over any original work.

This means that except insofar as reading or viewing on Project Redcap, do not make copies, derivatives, etc, without permission. Please note that I do not give permission for fair use, but that's only because under the laws of the United States of America (where I am publishing from) and any TRIPS and Berne states, you legally don't NEED permission from a copyright holder. However, take what I say in that last sentence as only my opinion and treat accordingly. But along that opinion, companies that expressly state they are giving you permission to make fair use (as legally defined) of their works as if they could stop you, are engaging in a con job.

Recognition of Project Redcap terms

I recognize that by contributing, I am giving permission for Project Redcap to publish and modify my contributions, per the sites terms on the subject. With regard to any contribution I claim copy over by linking to this page or placing my name over the contribution or a superior section above, I treat this as a nonexclusive right to so publish and modify. In good faith, I expect the use of such rights by the site or other contributers to be limited by laws not dealing with copyright such as defamation or other tortious activities. Also, I am not waiving my right to attribution (moral rights in a work in many civil law systems).

I ask that where I've clearly contributed something as my own work- particularly where it is a personal review or opinion on a product or subject of the game discussed here- do not modify it to change the meaning, or generally the mode of expression. The one exception is of course clear typos (and I am not immune to those) or other errors. I have no problem with people fixing them, both to make an over page better and to make me look less like an idiot, but be aware I will still claim ownership over even that derivative work.

My use of others' copyrights

Generally, I will be discussing Ars Magica products (surprise), but also discussing other expressive works, including book, films, other games, etc. Use of portions of such works that the subject matter of copyright is made in the good faith belief that it is fair use, specifically for discussion and comparison. Many times, I may not consider the discussion to even fall within the scope of copyright, if I am essentially discussing concepts and ideas expressed in the book. If a copyright holder feels I am infringing, please contact me. Likely, the site administrators will speak to me before that.

Editing Tips

Big point: The "Show Preview" button is your friend!

Corollary: Remember to press the "Save Page" button once you see a previewed edit that's right! :/

Technical Stuff


I call the internal links PRlinks. It's short for Project Redcap links. I also occassionaly mistype it as RPlinks, so if you see that, it's meant to be PRlinks. To do a PRlink, you just put double brackets around a term that matches a page name. Some examples:

[[Order of Hermes]] for that page.  In this case, the name in the 
brackets matches the name of the page, including capitals.

[[Page Name|text in article you're editing]] for when you want to 
have words that don't match the name of the page, usually for context 
in the page you're editting.  Most often this involves the text using 
a plural where the linked page is singular, or different capitalization, 
or pronoun usage, or since we have a number of Latin words, different 
gender endings.  So, for instance, if a character discussed in a page 
is a female wizard, then a link to magus would read [[Magus|maga]]
Special PRlinks

A special notes for links to certain special pages. Categories, templates, user pages and others all begin with the type of page they are, followed by a colon, followed by the specific page name. There is no space on either side of the colon itself, but any spaces after the first word of the specific page name remain. Thus,

[[Template:Specific template name]]
[[User:Specific User Name]]  
[[Category:Category Name]] if you want the link to go to the bottom 
of the page AND for the article your editting to be listed in that category.
[[:Category:Category Name]] if you want a link to appear where you type 
it in the text.  The article will NOT be included in the category by this 
kind of link.

External links

These work only a little different. First, they use only single brackets. Second, since a webaddress has no spaces, no | is needed. Everything after the space following the address is part of the text. Thus, if you include a | after a space following the web address, the text in the link will begin with the |.

[http://webaddress Link Name] is the proper way
[http://webadress | Link Name] will show "| Link Name" in the article
[http://webadress|Link Name] will link to the webadress you enter, 
but with "|Link" at the end, likely making it a cannot find.  It also 
will have "Name" as the link name.
[[http://webadress Link Name]] will look for a page in Project Redcap 
named "http://webadress Link Name"
[[http://webadress|Link Name]] will look for a page in Project Redcap 
named "http://webadress|Link" and have "Name as the name"