New pages
- 16:51, 27 February 2025 The Dragon and the Bear Chapter Four: Slavic Faerie (hist | edit) [21,580 bytes] Yair (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mythic Europe is a land of four Realms: magical, faerie, Infernal, and Divine. All supernatural power flows from these four wellsprings. When thinking of the pagan Slavs, think of the Realm of Faerie. The gods of the Slavs (and for that matter, the deities of most of the pagan cultures remaining in Mythic Europe) are actually powerful faerie creatures. Their homes and domains, which you will read about in the chapter that follows, can be found within Arcadia. The alignm...")
- 02:25, 27 February 2025 The Dragon and the Bear Chapter One: Introduction (hist | edit) [22,727 bytes] Yair (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Welcome to the Novgorod tribunal! The Dragon and the Bear is a supplement to Ars Magica Fourth Edition, providing detailed background on the lands of Poland, Russia, and beyond. This background includes a terrific variety of national, religious, magical, dynastic, and Hermetic struggles that will provide the raw stuff of epic conflict upon which a good saga thrives ===Saga Starting Date=== The recommended starting date for a Novgorodian saga is 1220 AD, but this assume...")
- 02:03, 27 February 2025 Guardians of the Forest Chapter One: Introduction (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Yair (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Welcome to the Novgorod tribunal! The Dragon and the Bear is a supplement to Ars Magica Fourth Edition, providing detailed background on the lands of Poland, Russia, and beyond. This background includes a terrific variety of national, religious, magical, dynastic, and Hermetic struggles that will provide the raw stuff of epic conflict upon which a good saga thrives ===Saga Starting Date=== The recommended starting date for a Novgorodian saga is 1220 AD, but this assum...")
- 04:08, 27 January 2025 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Chapter Eleven: Obstacles (hist | edit) [54,483 bytes] NeilNjae (talk | contribs) (Initial draft, without cross-references)
- 15:56, 17 December 2024 The Sundered Eagle - The Theban Tribunal Chapter Nine: The Magical Landscape (hist | edit) [34,251 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creation for reference)
- 16:05, 25 November 2024 Houses of Hermes: True Lineages Chapter Four: House Tremere (hist | edit) [15,888 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Key Facts === === Famous Figures === == Symbols == == History == === Before the Order === House Tremere’s ancestors were a tradition of diviners who summoned the ghosts of the recently dead and forced secrets from them. Initially servants of Aita, later Pluto, they became priests of Mercury Psychopompos — the Conductor of Souls — when the Cult of Mercury swallowed their tradition during the reign of Augustus. They did not have temples, and met in secret, in the...")
- 14:55, 25 November 2024 The Sundered Eagle - The Theban Tribunal Chapter Five: Greece (hist | edit) [17,808 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creation for reference, bold&italic to indicate missing links)
- 17:27, 24 November 2024 Faith & Flame - The Provençal Tribunal Chapter Five: Gascony (hist | edit) [16,033 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the page for reference)
- 10:36, 22 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Chapter Ten: Long-Term Events (hist | edit) [34,819 bytes] NeilNjae (talk | contribs) (Initial version)
- 23:23, 20 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 13 (hist | edit) [31,578 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} = Chapter 13: The Infernal Landscape = True evil in Hibernia hides in the hearts of men and in the things that they do. Temptation, obsession, and possession are the tools of Infernal; if you hear your own voice urging you on to some questionable action, then you have encountered true evil. {{OpenArs Attribution}} {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} {{ArsMnavbox}}")
- 23:21, 20 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 12 (hist | edit) [42,064 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} = Chapter 12: The Divine Landscape = Ireland is a beautiful land, haunted by angels, forged by saints, littered with monasteries and the tiny cells of hermit mystics. The people are pious, and call upon the Divine often, but they have a very pragmatic understanding of religion. This is in sharp contrast with the English churchmen who have claimed much authority on the island. {{OpenArs Attribution}} {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} {{ArsMnavbox}}")
- 21:27, 20 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 11 (hist | edit) [41,607 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} = Chapter 11: The Faerie Landscape = Faeries are common in Mythic Ireland, and everyone has had some interaction with the Faerie realm. Encounters run from the peasant who sees a faerie progression from afar, to a king who marries a faerie woman in front of his clan. Public assemblies are held on sacred hills, most of which have a Faerie aura. Faerie homes — cairns, stone tumuli, and mounds — dot the countryside. Irish faeries are either ente...")
- 21:13, 20 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 10 (hist | edit) [66,963 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} =Chapter 10: The Magical Landscape= The first humans to arrive in Ireland had druids among their number, and they found a land of enchantment and magic. There were magical races already present, and supernatural creatures roamed its hills and forests. ==The Druids== To magi who have been raised outside Ireland, the term "druid" is almost synonymous with House Diedne, and thus a word laden with unpleasant and fearful connotations. In Ireland, dr...")
- 21:46, 16 November 2024 Formulae Tests (hist | edit) [2,344 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- {{Ftest|1 | | }} --> <nowiki> Spell Guidelines Range: Personal Duration: Momentary Target: Individual </nowiki> {{Ftest|1 |Spell Guidelines |Range: Personal Duration: Momentary Target: Individual }} {{Ftest|2 |Spell Guidelines |Range: Personal Duration: Momentary Target: Individual }} {{Ftest|3 |Spell Guidelines |Range: Personal Duration: Momentary Target: Individual }} <nowiki> Twilight Avoidance Stamina + Concentration + Vim Form Bonus + stress die vs. Warpin...")
- 20:55, 16 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 9 (hist | edit) [109,975 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Chapter 9: The Province of Ulster= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} Ulster or Ulaid (pronounced UH-lodge) is the northernmost province of Ireland. In the days when the famed king Conchobhar mac Neasa ruled from Emhain Mhacha, the Ulaidh (UH-loy, meaning Ulstermen) gave Ireland some of its most powerful legends of heroes and kings. These tales form the Ruadhraigheacht, better known by its English name of The Ulster Cycle. None of the kingdoms that comprise the province in the t...")
- 18:42, 16 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 8 (hist | edit) [71,729 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Chapter 9: The Province of Munster= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} Munster, or Mumhan (MOO-wan), is Mythic Ireland’s southern province. Originally split into Desmond (South Munster), Thomond (North Munster), and Ormond (East Munster), much of the province has been renamed and distributed to English lords. Irish kings keep English knights to the east, retaining native privileges in their ancestral cantreds, while English lords impose English law on their subjugated Irish vas...")
- 17:24, 16 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 7 (hist | edit) [24,159 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Chapter 7: The Liberty of Meath= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} Meath is the fifth and smallest of the provinces of Ireland. Also called the Kingdom of Mide, from the Irish word for “middle,” it has a significance far beyond its small size, and hence is ranked as a province rather than just another kingdom. {{OpenArs Attribution}} {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} {{ArsMnavbox}}")
- 19:57, 15 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 6 (hist | edit) [91,230 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=The Contested Isle Chapter 6: The Province of Leinstar= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}}")
- 18:56, 15 November 2024 Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults Chapter Four: House Merinita (hist | edit) [169,534 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the page up to House Society)
- 16:24, 15 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 5 (hist | edit) [68,627 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Chapter 5: The Province of Connacht= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} ''Good be the land and the kingdom thou dost inhabit; bountiful is its harvest, its honey, its fish, its wheat, and barleycorn, fair and mild is its weather. All that is necessary for thee is to be found in this land.'' — The words of Ith of the Sons of Mil, spoken to the Tuatha Dé")
- 21:06, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 4 (hist | edit) [54,921 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Hermetic Culture= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} ''The druid asked the king what he had seen in his vision, and Eochaid told him that he had dreamed of a great flock of black birds that came forth from the depths of the ocean and lay siege upon the people of Ireland and brought them to conflict and turmoil and confusion, so that the people were destroyed, yet one of them struck the noblest of the birds and cut off one of its wings.'' ''When the king had finished telling of...")
- 21:06, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 3 (hist | edit) [34,146 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Irish Culture= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} The basic political and social framework of the Irish is the clan, an extended group of people who claim descent from a heroic forefather. The English are imposing their style of French feudalism and society atop these political and social institutions, and failing. Instead of replacing Irish culture they are adopting it, and are becoming “more Irish than the Irish themselves.” ==The Land== Geographically Mythic Ireland is...")
- 21:04, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 2 (hist | edit) [40,811 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=The History of Mythic Ireland= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} At the beginning of Creation, Mythic Ireland was only half formed, a wooded island without lakes, rivers, meadows, animals, or people. Five waves of invaders, commonly called "the Five Peoples," landed, lived, and died before a sixth group, called the Gaels or Milesians, managed to achieve a permanent settlement. The Five Peoples found Mythic Ireland in an inchoate condition, unformed and changing into its current...")
- 21:03, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Ch 1 (hist | edit) [4,808 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Introduction= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} ''Céad míle fáilte!'' A hundred thousand welcomes to you! ''The Contested Isle'' describes Mythic Ireland and the Hibernian Tribunal for your '''Ars Magica 5th Edition''' saga. Sitting on the western edge of Mythic Europe, Mythic Ireland is unique. Removed from continental involvement, the island maintains unique social and political systems developed centuries ago. The patchwork of tribal kingdoms is ruled by hereditary Irish...")
- 20:59, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Credits (hist | edit) [2,961 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Credits= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} Cover Illustration: Christian St. Pierre Cartography: Matt Ryan Interior Art: Jason Cole, Jenna Fowler, Christian St. Pierre, Gabriel Verdon Additional Art: Celtic Design. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 2007. Ars Magica Fifth Edition Trade Dress: J. Scott Reeves Publisher’s Special Thanks: Jerry Corrick & the gang at the Source. First Round Playtesters: Jason Brennan, Justin Brennan, Elisha Campbell, Robert Major; Leon...")
- 20:56, 14 November 2024 The Contested Isle Contents (hist | edit) [20,678 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Table of Contents= {{ArM5ContestedIsleTOC}} Credits Chapter 1: Introduction ** A Tribunal of Conflict ** Hibernia in 1220 Chapter 2: The History of Mythic Ireland * The Five Peoples * The Sons of Míl ** The Coming of Christianity * The Contested Isle Ch 2#The Order of Hermes in Ireland|The...")
- 05:33, 10 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Chapter Seven: Hermetic Magic (hist | edit) [119,445 bytes] NeilNjae (talk | contribs) (Initial version)
- 10:49, 9 November 2024 Ars Magica Open Content Conversion Style Guide (hist | edit) [1,036 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The hope is that this page will contain consensus style guidelines for conversion text. Please use the Discussion page to participate. {{ArMOLsimplenav}}")
- 20:17, 6 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Chapter Nine: Spells (hist | edit) [304,360 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Chapter Nine: Spells= The Order of Hermes has collected and created hundreds of spells that have been passed down to apprentices and traded among magi for centuries. Those listed here are representative of the most useful, interesting, and exemplary of those spells — in no way are the spells listed here a definitive list of those available. Instead, they should be used as examples so that you may invent spells of your own. Many of these spells serve as good examples f...")
- 18:58, 6 November 2024 Template:OpenArs Attribution (hist | edit) [637 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Ars Magica Open License Logo ©2024 Trident, Inc. The Ars Magica Open License Logo, Ars Magica, and Mythic Europe are trademarks of Trident, Inc., and are used with permission. Order of Hermes, Tremere, Doissetep, and Grimgroth are trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB and are used with permission.''") originally created as "Temmplate:OpenArs Attribution"
- 17:38, 6 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Appendix III: Spells Index (hist | edit) [21,450 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Appendix III: Spells Index= Back to 5E Standard Edition Table of Contents ==A== ===Aegis of the Hearth=== (ReVi Gen) [[Ars_Magica_5E_Standard_Edition,_Chapter_Nine:_Spells#Agony of the Beast|===Agony of the Beast===] (PeAn 15) [[Ars_Magica_5E_Standard_Edition,_Chapter_Nine:_Spells#Air’s Ghostly Form|===Air’s Ghostly Form===] (CrAu 5) Ars_...")
- 17:36, 6 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Appendix II: Formulae Review (hist | edit) [16,730 bytes] Mataglap (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Appendix II: Formulae Review= Back to 5E Standard Edition Table of Contents ==Chapter Six: Covenants== ART SUMMA COST: Level + Quality ART SUMMA LEVEL LIMIT: 20 ART SUMMA QUALITY LIMIT: 11 + (20 – Level), or 22, whichever is lower ABILITY SUMMA COST: Quality + 3 x Level ABILITY SUMMA LEVEL LIMIT: 8 ABILITY SUMMA QUALITY LIMIT: 11 + 3 x (8 – level), or...")
- 16:00, 5 November 2024 The Mysteries: Revised Edition Chapter Four: Curious Common Magics (hist | edit) [19,792 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creation for reference)
- 18:32, 4 November 2024 Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults Chapter Two: House Bjornaer (hist | edit) [85,453 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the page)
- 16:29, 4 November 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Eleven: Rhine Sagas (hist | edit) [403 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creation for reference)
- 15:58, 4 November 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Seven: The Lowlands (hist | edit) [23,873 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creation for reference)
- 15:03, 4 November 2024 Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults Chapter One: The Mechanics of Initiation (hist | edit) [12,306 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the chapter)
- 08:03, 3 November 2024 Ars Magica 5E Standard Edition, Chapter Six: Covenants (hist | edit) [38,788 bytes] NeilNjae (talk | contribs) (Initial version)
- 22:45, 28 October 2024 The Lion and the Lily - The Normandy Tribunal Chapter Five: Normandy (hist | edit) [22,033 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating Montverte description, to be finished)
- 22:44, 28 October 2024 The Lion and the Lily - The Normandy Tribunal Chapter Ten: Normandy Sagas (hist | edit) [3,895 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (CReating foir entry in the Lotharingian Tribunal and The Boar and the Dragon, to be finished)
- 22:42, 28 October 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Three: Tribunal History & Customs (hist | edit) [27,259 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating for rank description and guild entry, to be finished)
- 22:42, 28 October 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Ten: Bohemia (hist | edit) [24,177 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating entry for Irenciallia, to be finished)
- 22:41, 28 October 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Eight: Central Germany (hist | edit) [17,536 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (CReating entry to Fengheld, to be finished)
- 22:38, 28 October 2024 Ars Magica Definitive Edition, Chapter Twelve: Realms (hist | edit) [18,854 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the page for reference)
- 22:26, 28 October 2024 Ars Magica Definitive Edition, Chapter Thirteen: Bestiary (hist | edit) [4,706 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating page for reference)
- 22:17, 28 October 2024 The Mysteries: Revised Edition Chapter Thirteen: Mercurian Magic (hist | edit) [3,590 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the special abilities of the cult of Mercury for reference)
- 19:34, 28 October 2024 Guardians of the Forest Chapter Four: The Forest (hist | edit) [4,616 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the chapter for reference)
- 18:12, 28 October 2024 The Lion and the Lily - The Normandy Tribunal Chapter Eight: Flanders and Picardy (hist | edit) [3,249 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the page for reference)
- 17:07, 28 October 2024 The Lion and the Lily - The Normandy Tribunal Chapter Three: Hermetic History and Culture (hist | edit) [10,819 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the chapter for reference)
- 17:05, 28 October 2024 Houses of Hermes: True Lineages Chapter Two: House Guernicus (hist | edit) [21,901 bytes] Audrey Azura (talk | contribs) (Creating the chapter for reference)