Arcane Connection (podcast)

From Project: Redcap
Revision as of 09:24, 22 April 2013 by (talk) (added episode 3)

Arcane Connection is a podcast about Ars Magica, produced by CJ Romer and Tom Nowell (aka darkwing)

Episode 1: Why play Ars Magica?
Highlights some of the unique characteristics of the game: Troupe style play, covenants, Mythic Europe, etc. and why they are all great. (30 minutes)
Episode 2: The Ars Magica Magic System
aimed at new players. (30 minutes)
Episode 3: Essential Spells for Spring Covenants?
CJ Romer surveyed 40 players of the game to give you this top 20 breakdown (30 minutes)