Defixio Magic

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Defixio Magic is a tradition of binding Magic of Greek origin (where it was called Katadesmos Magic)[1] that is known to have existed but has largely been lost as of the time of Mythic Europe.[2] It is the historical origin of the Leadworker virtue, but in their current forms the practices are largely unrelated.[3][4][1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sundered Eagle: the Theban Tribunal, "Chapter Nine - The Magical Landscape", "Magical Bindings - Katadesmos Magic", p. 122
  2. Ancient Magic, "Defixio Magic", p. 41-53
  3. Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, "House Tremere - New Virtues", p. 143
  4. Ancient Magic, "Defixio Magic", Insert "The Leadworker Virtue", p. 42