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Cet article traite des Apprentis en tant que personnages | Pour le produit pour la cinquième Édition du même nom voir : Apprentices.

Hermetic Magi learn their magic through apprenticeship. An apprentice lives with his or her master in the master's covenant and works as a servant and laboratory assistant. The apprentice may also accompany his or her master on adventures, or perform errands on his or her master's behalf. In exchange for his or her service, the apprentice receives tutelage in the Hermetic Arts and important Abilities. After fifteen years of apprenticeship, an apprentice can become a magus.

Entraîner un Apprenti

Many players enjoy role-playing the process of training an apprentice, either from the point of view of playing the master, or playing the apprentice. In some troupes, both the master and the apprentice are player characters.

ArM5 has the most detailed rules to date for training an apprentice or playing one as a character. In earlier editions, the rules don't cover most of the training process and players have to make more ad hoc decisions; also, an apprentice trained using earlier editions of the rules is less likely to resemble a starting magus character at the end of apprenticeship.

The sourcebook Apprentices further elaborates on the rules for training an apprentice, to cover how an apprentice can acquire Virtues and Flaws through apprenticeship, and to give advice on how to efficiently train an apprentice for maximum benefit to both master and pupil.

Exigences pour enseigner à un Apprenti

Any magus is entitled to have an apprentice, but tradition and/or the Peripheral Code establish some requirements for a magus to be considered a competent teacher. A score of 5 in each Art is considered the minimal standard. In ArM5, it is possible (but not advisable) to train an apprentice even if one has a score less than 5 in one or more Arts. The consequences of doing so are discussed briefly on page 53 of ArM5.

In addition to the Arts, the master should know Latin and be able to read and write. Some skill in the Teaching Ability will help the apprentice learn more effectively. In ArM5, it's also important to have a Parma Magica score high enough to share one's Parma with the apprentice, or else the social effects of the master's Gift will be an impediment to learning (ArM5, page 106)

Trouver un Apprenti

Finding an apprentice is not easy and may require a search of many seasons. Only individuals with The Gift are qualified to be apprentices and eventually magi, and The Gift is rare.

Young people with The Gift often stand out from the rest of medieval society. Unless they have the Gentle Gift, they will be widely disliked and possibly outcast at a young age. Before being shaped by magical training, The Gift may manifest itself as uncontrollable, minor magical effects or naturally-occurring Supernatural Abilities. Following tales of children or youths with strange powers can often lead to a suitable apprentice.

The search for an apprentice can be role-played, but if this is not desirable, a rule for finding an apprentice by spending seasons and rolling dice may be found on page 106 of ArM5.

Responsabilités du Maître

The master is required to provide at least one season of training every year for 15 consecutive years. This may seem like a heavy burden, and in the early years of apprenticeship (when the apprentice is unskilled and a minimal help in the lab), it can be. Later, when the apprentice is more proficient in Magic Theory, the investment seems more worthwhile.

In addition to the Arts, apprentices must be taught to speak Latin (or perhaps another arcane language) and to read and write (in ArM5, this means at least one rank in Artes Liberales). It is also a good idea to teach them Magic Theory so they can be useful assistants in the Laboratory. Early in apprenticeship, an apprentice needs a lot of training.

The master must personally instruct the apprentice. It's not enough to simply hand the apprentice a book. The master may use either Training or Teaching to instruct the apprentice.

During the seasons where no instruction takes place, the apprentice usually learns Arts or Abilities by Exposure.

Le Début de l’Apprentissage

In ArM5, apprenticeship officially starts when a magus beings teaching the Arts. Before this time, the prospective magus does not belong to anyone and could be claimed by another magus. (A dispute over a prospective apprentice would most likely by resolved by Certamen or by a legal motion at Tribunal).

An apprentice should at least be old enough to learn to read and write. In medieval society, children weren't considered capable of reasoning and proper learning until about the age of seven. In many cases, The Gift doesn't become apparent until the onset of puberty, so many apprentices begin their training as adolescents. It is possible to even begin training a Gifted adult as an apprentice, though this may be difficult if the adult has already learned some Supernatural Abilities.

Earlier editions of the game did not make clear when, from a legal standpoint, a prospective apprentice became an actual apprentice.

Apprentis dotés de compétences surnaturelles

Non-Hermetic Supernatural Abilities are generally incompatible with Hermetic training, and make it harder to teach the Arts. This is one of the reasons magi often prefer to start their apprentices as young as possible: a character with The Gift, but no formal training, might have picked up one or more Supernatual Abilities already and be harder to train in Hermetic magic.

If the apprentice already has scores in any Supernatural Abilities, the master must exceed a certain Lab Total to open the apprentice's Arts (ArM5 page 107).

Ouvrir les Arts

Dans ArM5, les bases de tous les quinze Arts sont enseignées en une saison, tôt lors de l’apprentissage. Cela s’appelle ouvrir les Arts. Voir ArM5, le dernier paragraphe de la page 106.

Une fois les Arts ouverts, le Maître peut passer les saisons suivantes à enseigner un Art à la fois afin d’améliorer le score de l’Apprenti. Ce processus suit les règles d’enseignement normales.

Enseigner les compétences

Les compétences sont enseignées en utilisant les règles d’enseignement normales. De plus, l’Apprenti·e récoltera des points d’Expérience dans quelques compétences au travers de l’exposition. il n’y a pas de règle au sens strict stipulant quelles compétences doivent être enseignées à un·e Apprenti·e, mais il y a quelques conventions :

Latin : Un·e Apprenti•e qui ne connaît pas le Latin sera désavantagé·e ; il·elle se révélera incapable d’étudier la plupart des livres de l’Ordre et rencontrera des difficultés à communiquer avec son·a Maître·sse. Dans quelques Tribunaux (et quelques sagas), d’autres langues telles que le Grec peuvent se substituer au Latin. Quel que soit le langage utilisé pour la magie, il est pratiquement toujours enseigné le plus tôt possible durant l’apprentissage, peut-être même avant que celui ci ne débute.
Artes Liberales : Les Artes Liberales sont nécessaires à l’Apprenti·e afin de savoir lire et écrire. Il n’y a pas de règle stipulant qu’un Mage doive être capable de lire et écrire, mais un illettré sera incapable d’étudier à partir des livres ou d'utiliser des textes de laboratoire – un handicap sévère dans la carrière d’un Mage. La plupart des mages enseignent la littérature très tôt, afin que leur Apprenti·e puisse étudier indépendamment, si il·elle en trouve le temps.
Théorie de la Magie : Il est dans le plus grand intérêt du Maître d’enseigner la Théorie de la Magie le plus tôt possible, puisque le score de Théorie de la Magie de l’Apprenti·e s’ajoute au total de laboratoire du Maître chaque fois que l’Apprenti·e lui sert d'assistant·e.
Parma Magica : Les Mages peuvent enseigner la compétence Parma Magica à leurs Apprenti·e·s, mais le Code périphérique exige d’eux qu’ils gardent un secret crucial jusqu’après que l’Apprenti·e ait juré fidélité à l’Ordre ArM5, page 66. Il est probable que, jusqu’à ce que le secret soit révélé, l’Apprenti·e puisse apprendre la compétence Parma Magica, mais ne puisse pas véritablement activer sa Parma Magica sur lui·elle ou sur quiconque d’autre.

Tuteurs externes

Il n’est pas rare pour un Mage de louer les services de tuteurs vulgaires afin d’enseigner à son Apprenti·e des compétences telles que le Latin ou les Artes Liberales. Cependant, si des tuteurs sont employés, ils ne comptent pas pour l'obligation personnelle qu’a le Mage à passer une saison par an à entraîner son Apprenti·e.

Il est aussi possible de demander à un autre Mage d’enseigner à s·on·a propre Apprenti·e les Arts ou les compétences d’Arcane. Cela implique un paiement de quelque nature au Mage qui assure l’entraînement. Par exemple, le Maître peut ordonner à son Apprenti·e de travailler dans le laboratoire du tuteur pendant quelques saisons.


Certains Mages expédient véritablement leurs Apprenti·e·s dans un autre Convent afin qu’ils·elles vivent pour une ou plusieurs saisons sous l'hospitalité d’un autre Mage. Cette pratique est appelée accueil (Fosterage) (HoHS 47). Elle est plus commune à la Maison Jerbiton, mais n’est pas réservée à cette Maison.

Jouer un Apprenti

Apprentices can be viable and enjoyable as player characters. Depending on their age and level of training, they can be weaker than a Grog or nearly as powerful as a beginning Magus.

Créer un Apprenti

To play an apprentice as a player character, create the character as if he or she were a magus of young age. (Rules for child characters are on page 29 of ArM5). The canonical way to choose Virtues and Flaws is to decide, at the start of apprenticeship, what Virtues and Flaws the character will have (ArM5, page 107). However, many troupes may prefer a House Rule where Virtues and Flaws accrue gradually over the course of apprenticeship, as long as they remain approximately balanced.

Either way, the apprentice will discover as he or she learns magic that The Gift is a highly personal and idiosyncratic phenomenon. The apprentice will very likely have certain magical aptitudes (Hermetic Virtues) and handicaps (Flaws).

Fonctions d’un Apprenti

An apprentice gets at least one season of formal training every year, but the rest of the time, he or she must do whatever the master tells him to do. In the early years, before the apprentice is proficient with Magic Theory and the Arts, his role is limited to menial chores. Later, the master probably makes heavy use of the apprentice as a lab assistant; the apprentice's help adds to the master's Lab Total, and may enable him to complete projects that would otherwise be prohibitively difficult or time-consuming.

For every season the apprentice spends working alongside his master in the lab, he gains Experience Points from Exposure. Those points may be in Magic Theory, the Arts being used in the project, or in any Ability the storyguide agrees is appropriate.

Some magi send their apprentices outside the covenant to perform errands or missions. These provide plenty of opportunities for stories involving player-apprentices. A prudent master will usually send one or more grogs or companions along with the apprentice to provide guidance and protection.

La fin de l’Apprentissage

Following the fifteenth year of apprenticeship, every apprentice must pass a special test called the Apprentice's Gauntlet (also Wizard's Gauntlet). If he or she passes, the apprentice becomes a Magus and swears the Hermetic Oath. This usually happens at a Tribunal meeting, if possible, or at a special meeting of magi called a Ceremony of Welcome. After swearing the Oath, the new magus is given a Voting Sigil (exception: House Tremere) and taught the final secret to using Parma Magica. At some point around this time he usually chooses or is given a Magus name; see Naming Conventions.

Many apprentices feel the urge to exercise their new freedom and move away from the Covenant where they were trained, but some remain there for several years or for their whole careers.

Jouer un Apprenti dans ArM1-ArM4

ArM5 fournit le meilleur soutien de la part de règles toutes éditions confondues pour jouer un·e Apprenti·e, mais il reste tout à fait possible de jouer un·e Apprenti·e en utilisant les éditions précédentes des règles.

Les principales questions de règles qui nécessitent d’être résolues sont :

  • Comment l’Apprenti·e apprend-il·elle les Arts ? Un à la fois, ou tous en même temps comme dans ArM5 ?
  • Qu’en est-il de l’implication au niveau des règles du fait de n’avoir aucun score dans un Art ?
  • Comment et quand les apprenti·e·s acquièrent-ils·elles leurs vices et vertus, et spécialement les vices et vertus hermétiques ?

Les Apprentis et le Code d’Hermès

Le Code d’Hermès et le Code périphérique ont établi un certain nombre de conventions relatives aux Apprenti·e·s.

Statut légal d’un Apprenti

Apprentices are not magi, and according to Canon, they are not personally protected by the Code of Hermes against being killed, stripped of their Gift, scried upon, etc. However, they are considered part of their master's vital magical resources, like his Laboratory or Familiar. If another magus kills or cripples an apprentice, the offender would be guilty of an offense against the master and subject to Hermetic justice at Tribunal.

An implication of this is that the Code of Hermes does not prevent a magus from killing or abusing his own apprentice.

Technically, because they are not yet magi, apprentices aren't bound by the Code's restrictions. However, tradition holds that the master will be held responsible for any crimes or damages caused by his or her apprentice.

A house rule view offering a very different view of the status of apprentices is the Apprentice's Oath.

Droits d’un Apprenti

Apprentices have few rights under the Code of Hermes. The Peripheral Code establishes that they must be provided with a minimum of one season's training a year. If they do not receive this training, they are entitled to leave their master for another magus.

Responsabilité pour les actions d’un Apprenti

A magus is held responsible for any mischief his apprentice may cause. This includes outright violations of the Code of Hermes, as well as lesser offenses against another magus. Whether the master is also responsible for any mundane offenses the apprentice commits, such as property damage or petty crimes, is not covered by the Code. In general, the Order of Hermes does not consider itself subject to mundane law, but mundane authorities may feel differently (and therein lie the seeds of many a story).

A master is expected to control his or her apprentice, and is entitled to use any means, including scrying, Rego Mentem spells, or deadly force, to do so.

Droit de la Maison Bonisagus de réclamer l’Apprenti d’un autre

Magi of House Bonisagus swear a special version of the Hermetic Oath. Their version of the Oath entitles them to take another magus's apprentice for their own. The rationale is that Bonisagus magi work for the benefit of the whole Order, and are entitled to take apprentices as a form of support.

Houses of Hermes True Lineages discusses this traditional right in detail, on page 17.

Pour comprendre les termes


More references are needed. Please contribute by adding some.

  • Apprentices, ArM5 106-107
  • Apprentices with Supernatural Abilities, ArM5 107 and 166
  • Finding an Apprentice, ArM5 106
  • Laboratory Assistance, ArM5 103
  • Learning by Exposure, ArM5 163
  • Teaching, ArM5 164
  • Teaching Parma Magica, ArM5 66
  • Teaching without the student having Parma Magica, ArM5 106
  • Fosterage, HoHS 47